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Go to the zoo作文

Go to the zooTomwants to go to the zoo with his friends.He calls Tony and Tim to go with him. They


Go to the zoo


    Tom  wants to go to the zoo with his friends.  He calls Tony and Tim to go with him. They go to the zoo from Tom's home. First, they go to the subway ststion. They wait for the subway until a trian coming.  They take a subway to a shop which is near the zoo. That takes about twenty minutes. Then they walk to the zoo. The zoo is very big. there are many animal in it, like tigers, giraffes, pandas, elephants. There are hundreds of animals in it. Tim, Tony and Tom are very happy. Because they see a lot of animals in the zoo. After they play in the zoo. They go home.  They take a bus.  That takes them about thirty minutes. Then they say "see you again" to each other.




Go to the zoo作文


Go to the zoo作文









  妈妈寄语:昊旻,妈妈很喜欢给你录英语小短文,每次的录入也是对妈妈的一个锻炼。知道吗?英文的录入还真的比汉字录入难得多,不过妈妈还是喜欢给你录英语小短文,给你录入的过程也是妈妈一个锻炼和提高的机会呢~~~给妈妈一段学习的时间,妈妈有信心再次给你打擂台——英语擂台赛!你也要做好应战的准备呦Go to the zoo作文
