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  中国红十字会常务副会长 赵白鸽


  Opening Remarks for Press Conference of the State Council Information Office

  By Dr. Zhao Baige, Executive Vice President of the Red Cross Society of China

  August 2, 2012


  Ladies and gentlemen:


  Good morning. It’s a pleasure for me to attend today’s press conference and meet all the media friends. Here on behalf of Red Cross Society of China, I would like to thank the mass media as well as all journalist friends for your consistent support. Now, I would like to make a brief introduction of the “Opinions of the State Council on the Promotion of Red Cross Cause Development”.


  Since the founding of the P.R.C., especially after the reform and opening-up, the Red Cross Society of China have made great efforts in advocating the spirit of “Humanity, Fraternity and Dedication”, providing humanitarian services, improving the lives of the vulnerable, and promoting social harmony and stability. China has made strong progress in economic, political, cultural, social, and ecological terms, which lays a solid basis for the cause of Red Cross to build on; however, the facts of unbalanced economic development among different regions, frequent natural disasters, and complicated social contradictions have raised higher expectations for the Red Cross work. Lately, the Opinions of the State Council on the Promotion of Red Cross Cause Development (hereafter referred to as “the Opinions”) was promulgated by the State Council, which is the guiding document for further promotion of Red Cross undertaking and is of landmark significance in directing the development of Red Cross at present and for a long time to come.


  Ⅰ. Positioning of the Red Cross


  The Opinions clearly recognizes that the RCSC, as the united Red Cross national society in the People's Republic of China and an important member of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, abides by the Constitution and laws of China, follows the fundamental principles of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, and carefully performs its statutory duties according to the Geneva Conventions and their Additional Protocols to which China has acceded. The Opinions also confirms that as an auxiliary to the government in the humanitarian field, the Red Cross Society of China plays an important role in contributing to China’s economic and social development, constructing our harmonious society, and facilitating the progress of cultural civilization and people-to-people diplomacy.


  Ⅱ. Role of the Red Cross


  As confirmed by the Opinions, the Red Cross cause is a part of the socialism with Chinese characteristic. The Red Cross Society of China has been playing an irreplaceable role in serving the overall economic and social development, providing and facilitating services like emergency relief, first aid, humanitarian assistance, non-remunerated blood donation, hematopoietic stem cell donation, body and organ donation, international humanitarian assistance, and people-to-people diplomacy. As a social aid organization, the Red Cross has unique advantages in carrying out humanitarian aid, reflecting people’s livelihood needs, and resolving social contradictions.


  Ⅲ. Reform and Innovation of the Red Cross

  《意见》提出了三方面要求:一是要建立与社会主义市场经济体制和国际人道主义原则相适应的体制机制,强调通过改革和完善红十字会内部治理结构,创新管理模式,强化民主决策机制,提高组织执行能力等措施,探索建立“ 高效、透明、规范”的管理体制和运行机制;二是要求各级红十字会按照规定严格执行信息公开制度,做到资金募集、财务管理、招标采购、分配使用等捐赠信息的公开透明,切实保障捐赠人和社会公众的知情权、监督权,同时要求将红十字会的信息化建设纳入各地信息化建设总体规划,通过信息化手段着力打造公开透明的红十字会;三是全面建立综合性监督体系,强调要建立和完善法律监督、政府监督、社会监督、自我监督相结合的综合性监督体系,同时要求监察、审计部门加强对红十字会的监察、审计,要建立绩效考评和问责机制,严格实行责任追究。

  Three requirements are brought up by the Opinions. Firstly, an organizational structure that is aligned with China’s socialist market system as well as the international humanitarian principles should be set up, and an efficient, transparent and normative management system should be established on the basis of reform and improvement of Red Cross governance, innovation of management model and democratic decision-making and strengthening of executive capacity. Secondly, organizations of all levels of Red Cross must adhere to the rules of information disclosure, make the information of funds-raising, financial management, bidding and procurement, and funds allocation public and transparent, respect the rights of donors and the public to know and supervise, and build up openness and transparency with information-based means by including the informatization of Red Cross into the local informatization undertakings of all regions. Lastly, a comprehensive supervision system must be established to integrate self-monitoring with the government as well as civil watchdogs, and meanwhile supervision and auditing authorities are required to strengthen monitoring over the Red Cross and set up performance assessment and accountability mechanisms.


  Ⅳ. Legal Obligations of the Red Cross


  The Opinions provides support for the fulfillment of legal obligations of the Red Cross from five aspects. Firstly, the Opinions emphasizes the establishment of an emergency rescue system to guarantee Red Cross capacity in pooling social resources to carry out emergency rescue missions both home and abroad in legal term; it further advocates the strengthening of disaster preparedness work and the establishment of specialized disaster response teams based on the capacity of volunteers. Secondly, the Opinions requires that a long term Red Cross emergence rescue training mechanism should be established, so as to give full play to the leading role of the Red Cross in public-participated first aid trainings and to support Red Cross training in prioritized areas and professions. Thirdly, the Opinions advocates assistance programs that conform to humanitarian purposes and aim at vulnerable groups. Fourthly, the Opinions encourages the promotion of voluntary donation of blood, hematopoietic stem cell, and body and organ. Lastly, the Opinions advocates for more Red Cross participation in international humanitarian programs, integration of Red Cross international operations into the overall national international aid system, and more exchange and cooperation with counterparts from Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan.
