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  Ⅴ. Team building of the Red Cross


  The Opinions brings up four requirements on team building of the Red Cross. Firstly, with respect to organizational development, it is required that municipal and county-level networks should be strengthened and voluntary organizations in rural areas and communities and schools be established. Secondly, with respect to legal person management system, the Opinions requires that the personnel of Red Cross Council and Executive Council be optimized, enhance the executive capacity of the Executive Committee, improve the expert advisory system and democratic decision-making systems so as to strengthen the decision-making and monitoring. Thirdly, with respect to the building of talent team, the Opinions stresses the innovation of talent selection system and encourages the enrichment the Red Cross’ management and professional staff through professional means such as public employment and competitive tests. Lastly, with respect to the team of volunteers, the Opinions requires that the Red Cross’s voluntary work be included into the overall voluntary service planning of local authorities and a voluntary service system comprising different specialized sectors be set up.


  Ⅵ. Social Environment Required for the Red Cross’ Development


  The Opinions requires that favorable environment of law, policy, and public opinion should be created. With respect to legal environment, the Opinions points out that the oversight of enforcement of the Red Cross Law must be under strict supervision to ensure legal guarantee of the Red Cross work. At the same time, the Opinions aims at improving relevant laws and regulations to investigate and punish acts of illegal use or abuse of the Red Cross emblem.


  Ⅶ. Funds Management of the Red Cross


  The Opinions brings up four requirements with regard to the funds management of the Red Cross. Firstly, the Red Cross must manage governmental grants and public donation separately. The costs for carrying out humanitarian work supported by donated funds can be disbursed but must be made known to the public and must be limited in terms of amount and purpose. Secondly, governments of various levels should, according to the legal functions of the Red Cross, increase their financial support in a gradual manner to guarantee the Red Cross’ ability to perform its legal duties. Thirdly, the mechanism of service purchase should be set up, under which the government is the buyer that is supposed to purchase service from social organizations such as the Red Cross, so as to guarantee a sustainable Red Cross cause. Lastly, a performance evaluation mechanism must be set up to ensure efficient use of fund.


  Ladies and gentlemen, The Opinions is a guidance document for the Red Cross development in the new era, outlining the RCSC’s nature, positioning, core businesses, direction of its reform and supporting measures. With the implementation of the Opinions, the RCSC will uphold its humanitarian mission, and make due contribution to the overall national economic, political, social, cultural and ecological development based on its widespread network, strong force of mobilization and extensive connections with the public.
