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  The legitimacy of the RCSC’s activities stems from threefold empowerment. The first is the empowerment by the state. According to the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Red Cross Society and Emergency Response Law of the People's Republic of China, Red Cross organizations at all levels in China are a favorable auxiliary to the government, and carries out its responsibilities and obligations as conferred by relevant domestic laws. Government provides support and grants to the Red Cross and oversees its work; The second is the empowerment by the public. Based on legal principles of civil entrustment or public trust, the RCSC is entrusted by the public such as donors and Red Cross members to perform its humanitarian rights and duties, and in the mean time accepts the oversight of the public and the news media; The third is the empowerment by the International Movement. In light of the International Humanitarian Law, particularly the Geneva Conventions and their Additional Protocols have rendered, the RCSC, abiding by the fundamental principles of the International Movement, carries out it work independently, performs its obligations and enjoys its right as a member of the Movement.


  Looking into the future, reform is a must for the Red Cross Society of China to cope with various challenges. Reform is the only way to address the myriads of challenges we face and to better prepare to meet the humanitarian needs. I would like to share with you the three priorities of RCSC to implement the Opinions and further reform in near future.


  The first priority is to speed up institutional innovation so as to provide a sound foundation for long-term development of the Red Cross. The Opinions indicates clearly that “to establish a system that corresponds with the socialist market economy system and international humanitarian values”, this is where we should go. Institutional innovation implies three aspects: first, to establish a proper relationship with the government. To be a good auxiliary to the government in the humanitarian field, more efforts shall be made to gain support from government at all levels in various ways including legal support, planning, policy and investment etc. Supervision from the government is welcomed. Second, to establish cooperation and partnership involving government departments, social organizations, enterprises, media and the public. Priority is to establish a highly efficient operational mechanism by improving transparency and social accountability, involving stakeholders to participate in and support Red Cross work; third, make efforts to improve governance and management of the Red Cross. Priority is to set up a democratic decision-making system, establish an efficient executive mechanism and all-round monitoring system, strengthen grassroots network development, improve brand management, strengthen membership and volunteer management, improve professionalism of its human resource, and develop strict system on program management and donation management.


  The way leading to further institutional innovation is to reform comprehensively, which includes the following: First is to strengthen strategic study and top-level design With the support form experts, we have launched a strategic research of organization development of Red Cross and we hope to sort out and improve the legal, regulations, policy and system. We wish to clarify and protect the positioning, responsibilities, systems, brands, personnel and input from Red Cross Society of China. Second is to actively take part in the pilot comprehensive reform of national social organization and to be incorporated into the reform priorities of the 12th national five-year-plan(2011-2015) and the State Council's 2012 economic reform focus. Third is to start the study and practice on the key topics of the management system, governance structure, personnel protection and supervision mechanism. This will push forward the reform and innovation of institutional mechanisms of the RCSC, and the formation of the exploration and demonstration for the construction and management of Chinese social organizations.


  The second priority is to be focused and strengthen the core business. The Red Cross mission is to protect human life and health, the core business in general can be summarized as "three saves" (emergency rescue, first aid and humanitarian aid), "three offers" ( blood donation, hematopoietic stem cells donation, human organs donation) and humanitarian assistance co-operation with international partners and those from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan.


  There is further clarification and refinement of the core businesses of the Red Cross Society of China in the paper of the State Council on the basis of the stipulation of the Red Cross Law. The core businesses of Red Cross Society of China mostly fall into the public sector with an important mission and responsibilities as a humanitarian organization. We will try to focus our work on the statutory core businesses, and further to be refined, solid, and strong.

  第三,加强职业化和信息化,全面提升红十字会的工作水平。人才和信息是一项事业发展的关键要素。未来一个时期红十字会的改革与发展,将以职业化和信息化作为战略举措。在职业化方面,我们已经启动了干部人事制度改革,通过公开选拔、竞争上岗、公开选聘项目工作人员、加强人才培养与激励、广泛建立专家智库、扩大国际交流等多个方面稳步推进。在信息化方面, 我们将围绕建立综合信息集成、决策支持、综合业务应用、信息服务与发布等四个平台,筹划和推进信息管理系统的建设,全面提升红十字工作的信息化水平。

  Third, strengthen professionalism and informationization to raise the overall quality of the work of the Red Cross. Individual ability and information are crucial to the development of a career. This period of reform and development will strategically focus on professionalism and informationization. Regarding professionalism, we have already begun reforming the cadre and personnel systems through open selection, competitive tests, and open employment of project staff, strengthening personnel training and motivation, establishing an expert think tank, and expanding international exchange. Regarding informationization, we will focus on the establishment of comprehensive information integration, decision support, integrated business applications, information services and release platforms in order to plan and promote construction of information management systems, raising the quality and efficiency of informational technology in the RCSC.


  Now, my colleagues and I would like to answer your questions. Thank you
