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  Home work review

  Date: 19 May 2005

  Report on a one-day training session


  The aim of this report is to recommend a one-day training session entitled ‘Familiarity with Your Post’ for the new sales representatives of the Sales Department.


  We have recruited several sales representatives recently. In spite of former sales experience, they are not familiar with their new working environment and may need quite a period to adapt to everything. Such a one-day training session seems to be necessary and urgent.

  Contents and Benefits

  There are many items relevant to the one-day training session for the sales representatives, which are designed to highlight work efficiency in the company.

  First, some brief information of the company should be given, such as the company’s history, its organizational structure and financial background. The current situation of the company should be emphasized too. These would probably develop their loyalty and affection to the company.

  Also, they must be informed of the company’s main products, its annual sales volume, and the sales target of this year. Clear recognition of this can help them adjust their personal goals and it will be served as great motivation.

  Besides, the course can focus on our customers. High values should be put on the types and characteristics of the target customers. Sales representatives should also be expected to understand customers’ needs, which will help them to be more responsive an adaptive.

  They should be given a brief introduction to the people whom they are working together with since co-ordination and teamwork can greatly contribute to the company.


  We strongly recommend that training be arranged as soon as possible. And it could not be held on weekends, or it may occupy their spare time.

  Judy Zhang

  Sales Manager

  Self-study 1b


  virtual team

  corporate intranet

  line manager

  business environment

  hierarchical organisation

  on-line support

  operating costs


  standardise standardisation standard/standardised

  diversify diversity diverse/diversified

  respond response/responsiveness responsive

  operate operation operating

  suit suitability suitable

  supervise supervision supervisory

  vary variety varied


  (1) separate into

  (2) for a specific purpose

  (3) under direct supervision

  (4) spend …on sth.

  (5) cope with

  (6) on behalf of

  II. Vocabulary study



  rep noun

  1 [countable] informal a sales representative 商务代表(非正式用语)

  2 [countable] someone who speaks officially for a company, organization, or group of people(公司、机构或团体组织的)代表

  ᅳsynonym representative

  staff/union/company etc rep 员工/工会/公司代表

  You need to speak to the students’ rep. 你需要跟学生代表谈一谈。

  Safety reps have the right to stop the job when workers are in danger. 当工人处在危险当中,安全代表有权停止工作。

  info noun [uncountable] informal


  admin noun [uncountable] informal


  an admin assistant

  She works in admin.

  ad noun [countable]

  informal an advertisement

  veg noun [uncountable and countable] British English informal


  fruit and veg

  uni noun [singular, uncountable]

  British English Australian English spoken university

  dorm noun [countable] informal

  a dormitory

  gym noun

  1[countable] a special building or room that has equipment for doing physical exercise 健身房

  ᅳ同义词 gymnasium

  at/in a gym

  I try and work out at the local gym once a week. 我每周去当地的健身房健身。

  I go to the gym as often as I can. 我尽可能多地去健身房健身。

  2 [uncountable] exercises that people do indoors for physical development and as a sport, especially at school 健身练习

  We’ve got gym this afternoon. 我下午要去健身。

  Where’s my gym kit? 我的健身装备放在哪里了?

  demo noun[countable]

  plural demos

  1 a recording containing an example of someone’s music that is sent to a record company so that they can decide whether to produce it or not 样带

  a demo tape

  2 British English informal an event at which a large group of people publicly protest about something 示威,游行

  ᅳsynonym demonstration

  Police stood by to stop any pro-independence demos.

  3 an explanation of how something works讲演,展示

  ᅳsynonym demonstration

  4 a) American English an example of a product that is used to show what it is like or how it works 产品样本

  demo homes on the new development

  lab noun [countable] informal

  a laboratory

  the school science lab

  psych noun spoken informal

  1 [uncountable] a short form of psychology 心理学

  I’m a psych major now.

  2 [countable] a short form of psychiatrist 精神病学家

  Share prices

  1. Speaking.

  in financial pages of newspapers, on the Internet

  2. Nasdaq

  Nasdaq stands for the National Association of securities Dealers Automated Quotation. It is the largest market for high-tech stocks in the USA.

  (美) 全国证券交易商自动化报价系统

  (1)change in share price compared with previous day

  F : change

  (2)amount paid out to shareholders for each dollar invested

  A: div = dividend

  dividend noun [countable]

  1 a part of a company’s profit that is divided among the people with shares in the company红利;股息

  2 pay/bring dividends

  to be very useful and bring a lot of advantages, especially later in the future 对日后有好处

  Good eating habits will pay dividends later on in life. 良好的饮食习惯会令你在今后受益良多。

  (3)price of shares at close of previous day’s business

  E: last

  (4)number of company’s shares traded on previous day

  C: vol 100s

  (5)highest and lowest prices during previous day

  D: high---low

  (6)price/earnings ratio(current share price divided by earnings per share)

  B: P/E

  3. Speaking.

  How common is investing in shares in your country?

  Individuals might invest in shares:

  to make a quick profit from privatisations,

  to get a better return on long-term investment than in a traditional savings scheme,

  as part of a benefits packages (share options),

  to become eligible for shareholder perks,

  to support a company they like.

  perk noun [countable usually plural]

  something that you get legally from your work in addition to your wages, such as goods, meals, or a car 工作岗位提供的福利,好处

  theatre tickets and other perks

  perk of

  the perks of working at a large law firm

  I only eat here because it’s free - one of the perks of the job.

  Companies might invest in shares:

  to avoid paying tax,

  to reinvest profits

  to increase company pension funds,

  to have a participating interest in other companies (in stock swaps with other companies, in hostile takeover bids etc.)

  to consolidate strategic alliances
