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  1.Homework review

  2.Vocabulary study --- business, experience; data, criteria

  3.Types of company structure

  4.Flexible working

  5.Oral practice --- career ambitions, your ideal kind of employer

  6.Business passage reading


  I. Homework review

  Date: November 15, 2003

  Report on: the necessity of an additional receptionist for the Overseas Travel Department


  This reports sets out to assess the necessity to recruit a new receptionist for the Overseas Travel department.

  Reasons of the recruitment

  More and more people are interested in travelling abroad and our department, which deals with all overseas travel, is getting an increase of about 5% additional enquiries every day.

  The customer’s first point of contact with us is with our receptionists, either by telephone or face-to-face, and our present receptionist, though a very conscientious worker, simply cannot keep up with the continual increase in enquiries.


  We badly need an additional receptionist, to share the work of the existing receptionist, dealing with enquiries by telephone, fax and e-mail as well as greeting clients who call in person and directing them to the appropriate Travel Advisors in our department.

  Two receptionists will mean that there will be minimum delay in dealing with customers. We shall also be able to keep our reception desk open throughout the day, instead of having to close it for lunch as at present. Many customers are free only at lunchtime and our receptionists can have staggering lunch breaks.

  The cost of employing an additional receptionist will be more than covered by the additional business we will be able to attract and handle.


  The additional receptionist should be fluent in Putonghua and English and a good knowledge of Japanese would be an advantage.

  The new receptionist should be very well-presented and able to handle a wide variety of actual and potential clients in a friendly way. She/He should be able to work well with colleagues and should be fully computer-literate. Patience, empathy and understanding of individual needs are further essential qualities.


  It is recommended, therefore, a newly appointed receptionist is badly needed to handle the large increase of enquiries and assure us of our expansion plans in overseas markets.

  Wang Li

  Head of overseas Travel Department

  New words in the report

  conscientious adjective careful to do everything that it is your job or duty to do有责任心的

  A conscientious teacher may feel inclined to take work home.

  a conscientious and hard-working student

  ᅳconscientiously adverb

  ᅳconscientiousness noun [uncountable]

  his conscientiousness and loyalty to the company 他的责任心和对公司的忠诚

  staggering adjective extremely great or surprising 杰出的,令人惊讶的

  ᅳsynonym amazing

  The cost was a staggering $10 million. 价格贵得惊人,高达1000万美元。

  The financial impact on the town was staggering. 对这座城镇的财政影响非常大。

  ᅳstaggeringly adverb

  a staggeringly beautiful landscape 美不胜收的景色

  empathy noun [uncountable]

  the ability to understand other people’s feelings and problems 理解力,同情心

  empathy with/for

  She had great empathy with people. 她对人民很有同情心。

  ᅳempathetic also empathic adjective

  Vocabulary Study

  II. Vocabulary Study


  business noun


  [uncountable] the activity of making money by producing or buying and selling goods, or providing services 生意

  We do business with a number of Italian companies.

  set up/start up in business

  business activities/interests etc


  [countable] an organization such as a company, shop, or factory that produces or sells goods or provides a service 公司

  She now has her own $25 million home-shopping business.

  They don’t know how to run a business.



  if something is not your business or none of your business, you should not be involved in it or ask about it 事情

  It’s none of your business how much I weigh.

  experience noun


  [uncountable] knowledge or skill that you gain from doing a job or activity, or the process of doing this 经验

  He had no previous experience of managing a farm.


  [uncountable] knowledge that you gain about life and the world by being in different situations and meeting different people, or the process of gaining this

  in somebody’s experience

  In his experience, women did not like getting their feet wet and muddy.


  [countable] something that happens to you or something you do, especially when this has an effect on what you feel or think 经历

  childhood experiences


  staff noun


  [C also + plural verb British English] the people who work for an organization

  They employ a total of 150 staff.

  The staff were very helpful.

  staff of 10/50 etc

  Our department has a staff of seven.

  medical/academic/library etc staff

  a strike by ambulance staff

  one of our longest-serving staff members

  member of staff British English

  I’d like to welcome a new member of staff.

  data noun [plural,uncountable]

  1 information or facts信息或事实

  The research involves collecting data from two random samples. 该研究包括从两个随机的样本中收集数据。

  data on

  data on pesticide use 杀虫剂使用的信息

  experimental/historical/statistical etc data 试验/历史/统计信息

  detailed research data 详细的研究信息

  2 information in a form that can be stored and used, especially on a computer 数据

  It’s possible to store a lot more data on a DVD. 用DVD可以存储更多的数据。

  data storage/transfer/retrieval 数据存储/转录/撤出

  criterion noun plural criteria [countable usually plural]

  a standard that you use to judge something or make a decision about something标准

  the criteria we use to select candidates 我们选择应征者的标准

  criterion for

  the criteria for measuring how good schools are 评判学校是否优秀的标准

  Academic ability is not the sole criterion for admission to the college. 学术能力并不是大学入学的唯一标准。

  a set of criteria for identifying people who are genuinely ill and unable to work

  meet/satisfy/fulfil criteria 满足要求

  To qualify for a grant, students must satisfy certain criteria. 为了能够得到资助,学生们必须要满足一定的要求。

  u 练习1:请翻译






  Our company has 10 staff in total.

  There is a new member of staff in our company.

  Extensive data indicate that…

  The critieria we recruit employees are …..

  u 练习2:请翻译

  1. 我们需要找到一位经验丰富的前台接待。

  2. 他们公司主要经营家用电器。


  1. We need to find a receptionist with rich experience

  The main business activities are electric home appliances. Types of company structure
