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  1. Homework review

  2. Vocabulary study

  3. What is e-business?

  4. The advantages of e-business

  5. Oral practice

  6. Business passage reading

  7. Homework

  I. Homework review


  Changes in Mobile Phones Ownership in Europe, the USA and Asia in the period 2000, 2003 and 2008 (Forecast)

  In 2000, mobile phones represented 5% of all telephones in Europe, 10% of all telephones in the USA, and 2% of all Asian telephones.

  In 2003, the percentage of all telephones that were mobiles in Europe and the USA increased by 10% to 15% and 20% respectively. Asia’s percentage of mobiles rose by 8% to 10%.

  A 2008 forecast suggest that Europe’s percentage of mobiles will rise another 5% to 20%. The USA will have mobiles as 35% of all telephone, a rise of 15%, and Asia’s increase will be dramatic, from 10% in 1998 to 30% in 2003, a leap of 20%.

  It seems that mobile phone use will increase dramatically, especially in Asia.


  Homework 1

  Report on adopting new practices


  The aim of this report is to explain two new practices learnt from the JK Toys and recommend them into implementation in our company.


  The key findings are outlined below.

  n Hotdesking

  The limited work space of our company has always been one of the biggest problems, and what we could predict is that employees will expect a better working environment. JK Toys is the pioneer of the hotdesking practice. After implementation, they found it flexible and effective to arrange more shift work, and better use of office equipment. The similar situation brings us a positive expectation.

  n Childcare service

  Most of our employees are not able to take care of their children because of their busy schedule. Considering the total number of employees who are struggling with this tough situation, we plan to set up a kindergarten. All children of our employees aged below 6 are welcome. The kindergarten in the JK Toys are free of charge and can be a tool of motivation. Employees would enjoy their job with much more dedication, and that is also our purpose.


  It is clear that new practices should be adopted into our company to improve the current situation. We could foster a better working environment in the future.


  It would be advisable to test these two practices for 2-3 months in order to ensure a positive effect in our company.

  Homework 2

  Report on Introduction of Two New Practices


  This report aims to introduce two advanced practices – Total Quality Management (TQM) and Just-in-Time (JIT) inventory system, and the benefits of adopting them.

  New practices from UP Corporation

  UP Corporation has implemented TQM and JIT inventory system for approximately ten years. By now, owing to the success of implementing these two approaches, it has become the market leader of the car manufacturing industry.

  Introductions and Benefits

  TQM is an organization-wide effort to infuse quality into every activity in a company through continuous improvements. It focuses on teamwork, increasing customer satisfaction and lowering costs. Obviously, it will greatly reduce the cost of dealing with the defective products and disgruntled customers. JIT inventory system is a control system that schedules materials to arrive precisely when they are needed in the production line. This system has tremendous advantages. In particular, it reduces the level of an organization’s inventory to zero, which will free productive capital for other company uses.


  To sum up, the introduction of TQM and JIT inventory system into our company will boost our production efficiency, improve quality of our products, lower the costs and enhance customer satisfaction.


  It is strongly recommended that training of these two approaches should be given to our staff. As both of these systems require strong coordination from people in different departments, team spirit and communication skills should be emphasized in the training course.

  infuse verb

  1 [transitive] formal to fill something or someone with a particular feeling or quality 把….注入; (向…) 灌输

  be infused with something

  Her books are infused with humour and wisdom.

  infuse something into something

  These new designers are infusing fresh interest into the New York fashion scene.

  2 [intransitive and transitive] if you infuse tea or herbs, or if they infuse, you leave them in very hot water while their taste passes into the water 泡茶,浸渍

  Vocabulary Study

  (1) 一词多义单词---facility

  facility noun

  plural facilities

  1 facilities [plural] rooms, equipment, or services that are provided for a particular purpose 设施,设备

  All rooms have private facilities (=private bathroom and toilet). 所有的屋子都有公私人使用的设施。

  The hotel has its own pool and leisure facilities. 这家饭店有自己的游泳池和休闲设施。

  toilet facilities 厕所设施

  childcare facilities 照料儿童的设施

  2 [countable usually singular] a special part of a piece of equipment or a system which makes it possible to do something (设备或系统执行运转功能的)某个特殊部分

  Is there a call-back facility on this phone? 这部电话有没有回拨功能?

  a bank account with an overdraft facility 一个可以透支的银行账户

  3 [countable] a place or building used for a particular activity or industry, or for providing a particular type of service (进行特殊活动或工业生产的)地方,楼房

  a top-secret research facility 一个高度机密的研究地点

  the finest indoor sports facility in the US 一个在美国最好的室内健身楼

  (2) 单词记忆方法---相似性

  shortfall noun [countable]

  the difference between the amount you have and the amount you need or expect 缺少,不足,不足之数,亏空

  shortfall in

  Parents have been asked to pay £30 each to cover the shortfall in the budget. 学校要求每位家长再支付30英镑来弥补预算中的差额。

  shortfall of

  an estimated shortfall of about £1 million 预计大约100万英镑的差额

  windfall noun [countable]

  1 an amount of money that you get unexpectedly 意外的收获,横财

  his £2 million windfall in the lottery 他从彩票中获得200万英镑的意外收获

  windfall gain/profit etc (=high profits that you did not expect to make) 意外收获/利润

  2 a piece of fruit that has fallen off a tree 被风吹落的果子(或刮倒的树木)

  pitfall noun [countable usually plural]

  a problem or difficulty that is likely to happen in a particular job, course of action, or activity陷阱,圈套

  pitfall of

  He gave me advice on how to avoid the pitfalls of the legal process. 他就如何避免法律程序中的陷阱给我提了些建议。

  the pitfalls associated with the purchase of a used car 与购买二手车相关的陷阱


  shop floor noun [singular]

  1 the area in a factory where the ordinary workers do their work 工人工作车间

  on the shop floor

  The chairwoman started her working life on the shop floor. 这位女董事长是从基层开始她职业生涯的。

  2 the ordinary workers in a factory, not the managers 基层工人

  factory floor noun

  the factory floor

  a) the area in a factory where goods are made

  b) the ordinary workers in a factory, rather than the managers

  on the factory floor

  There’s been a lot of talk on the factory floor (=among the ordinary workers) about more layoffs in the spring.


  cut your teeth (on something)

  to get your first experience of doing something and learn the basic skills 获得初次经验

  Both reporters cut their journalistic teeth on the same provincial newspaper. 这两位记者当年都是在同一家省报开始获得新闻采访经验的。

  get my teeth into informal to start to do something with a lot of energy and determination专注于,(开始)认真处理

  I can’t wait to get my teeth into the new course. What is e-business?

  1. Speaking.

  How often do you use the Internet and for what reasons?

  ---for work

  ---for outside work

  2. Reading------e-business

  This unit focuses on e-business and e-commerce. The term e-commerce is connected with retailing and describes company to consumer communication using the Internet, e.g. when a customer orders and pays for books over the Internet.

  The term e-business is broader, referring to the transformation of fundamental business processes through the use of Internet technologies. It refers to the way internal business processes and communication with supplies etc. are carried out via computer networks that use Web-compatible software.

  (1) What is e-business?

  (2) Customers

  Customer referred to in the discussion of e-business is not the individual consumer who buys over the Internet but the company which buys the goods supplied by another company.

  (3) Supply Chain management

  (4) E-commerce

  2. Reading.


  transform verb [transitive]

  to completely change the appearance, form, or character of something or someone, especially in a way that improves it 彻底改变

  Increased population has transformed the landscape. 不断增长的人口将这里的景色完全改变。

  transform somebody/something (from something) into something

  The movie transformed her almost overnight from an unknown schoolgirl into a megastar. 这部电影将她一夜之间从一名不知名的中学女生变成一位超级巨星。

  transformation noun [uncountable and countable]

  a complete change in someone or something 变革

  In recent years, the movie industry has undergone a dramatic transformation. 在近些年,电影业经历了巨大的变革。

  transformation from something to/into something

  the gradual transformation from woodland to farmland 从森林到农田的逐渐演变

  transformation of

  What leads to the transformation of one economic system to another? 是什么导致一种经济体制转变为另一种?

  self-service adjective

  a self-service restaurant, shop etc is one in which you get things for yourself and then pay for them 自助的

  ᅳself-service noun [uncountable]

  ingredient noun [countable]

  1 one of the foods that you use to make a particular food or dish 成分

  Combine all the ingredients in a large bowl. 把所有成分都混合放进大碗里。

  The food is home-cooked using fresh ingredients. 这种食物使用新鲜的原材料,在家

  2 a quality you need to achieve something 获取某事所需的素养

  John has all the ingredients of a great player. 约翰具备一个伟大球员应有的所有素养。

  Investment in new product development is an essential ingredient of corporate success. 在新产品发展方面的投资是公司成功的最基本要素。

  personalize verb[transitive]

  also personalise British English

  1 to put your name or initials on something, or to decorate it in your own way, to show that it belongs to you 使个性化,在(物品上)标出姓名

  Why not do something to personalize your office? 为什么不动手把自己的办公室装扮得更有个性化呢?

  2 to design or change something so that it is suitable for a particular person使针对个人

  All the products can be personalized to the client’s exact requirements. 所有产品都可以针对客户的具体要求而量身定制。

  ᅳpersonalized adjective

  a personalized number plate 一个具有个性特征的车辆号牌

  offering noun [countable]

  1 a book, play, piece of music etc that someone has written recently 最近的创作作品

  the latest offering from Nancy Griffith

  2 something that is given to God

  3 something that is given as a present to please someone 给某人的礼物

  anticipate verb [transitive]

  1 to expect that something will happen and be ready for it预料

  Sales are better than anticipated. 销售比预计得要好。

  anticipate changes/developments 预料到变化/发展

  The schedule isn’t final, but we don’t anticipate many changes. 计划虽然没有完成,但是预计不会有太多的变化。

  anticipate problems/difficulties

  We don’t anticipate any problems.

  A good speaker is able to anticipate an audience’s needs and concerns. 一个好的演说者能够预计听众的需要和忧虑。

  anticipate (that)

  This year, we anticipate that our expenses will be 15% greater.

  It is anticipated that the research will have many different practical applications.

  anticipate doing something

  I didn’t anticipate having to do the cooking myself!

  2 to think about something that is going to happen, especially something pleasant预期,期望

  Daniel was eagerly anticipating her arrival. 丹尼尔急切地期望着她的到来。

  3 to do something before someone else 抢….之先, 占….之先

  Copernicus anticipated in part the discoveries of the 17th and 18th centuries.

  web browser noun [countable]

  a computer program that finds information on the Internet and shows it on your computer screen 网络浏览器

  automate verb [transitive]

  to start using computers and machines to do a job, rather than people 使自动化

  Cash machines automate two basic functions of a bank - deposits and withdrawals. 现金取款机让银行的两个基本职能实现了自动化---存款和取款。

  controlled adjective

  1 deliberately done in a particular way, or made to have particular qualities 受控制的,受限制的

  a test held under controlled conditions 一个在严格限制之下进行的实验

  a controlled explosion 受到限制的爆炸

  2 limited by a law or rule 受法律限制的

  Access to the site is closely controlled. 进入这个地方要受严格控制。

  a police search for controlled drugs (=a drug that is illegal to have without permission from a doctor) 一位警察搜寻违法的毒品

  3 calm and not showing emotion, even if you feel angry, afraid etc 平静的

  a controlled, authoritative voice 一个平静权威的声音

  optimize verb [transitive]

  also optimise British English

  to improve the way that something is done or used so that it is as effective as possible 优化

  They need to optimize the use of available resources. 他们需要对现有资源的使用进行优化。

  vendor noun [countable]

  1 someone who sells things, especially on the street 沿街叫卖的小贩

  news vendor/ice-cream vendor etc 卖报纸的小贩/冰激凌的小贩

  He bought a copy from a newspaper vendor. 他在卖报纸的小贩那里买了一份报纸。

  the shouts of street vendors 小贩们的叫卖声

  2 formal or law someone who is selling something 正式用语或法律用语:卖家

  leading software vendors 主要的软件销售商

  inventory noun

  plural inventories

  1[countable] a list of all the things in a place 物品记录单

  inventory of

  We made an inventory of everything in the apartment. 我们把公寓里所有的物品都作了登记。

  2[uncountable and countable] American English all the goods in a shop 存货

  ᅳ同义词 stock

  accordingly adverb

  1 in a way that is suitable for a particular situation or that is based on what someone has done or said 相应地

  Katherine still considered him a child and treated him accordingly. …仍旧把它看成是个孩子,并以此对待他。

  2 [sentence adverb] as a result of something 因此

  ᅳsynonym therefore

  Some of the laws were contradictory. Accordingly, measures were taken to clarify them. 有些法律相互抵触,因此,政府采取措施让法律条款更清晰。

  e-commerce noun [uncountable]

  electronic commerce the activity of buying and selling goods and services and doing other business activities using a computer and the Internet 电子商务

  e-commerce applications such as online ticketing and reservations 电子商务的应用,比如网上购票和预订

  e-business: The transformation of key business processes through the use of Internet technologies.

  Benefits: Can streamline business processes to improve operating efficiencies. All the processes contributing to the overall customer experience can be improved (customer relationship management etc.). Can analyse past customer behavior to anticipate customers’ needs. Can allow suppliers and customers controlled access to the data they need, so that business processes can be managed beyond the individual organization (e.g. sharing sales forecasts, managing inventories, optimizing deliveries).

  e-commerce: The ability to offer goods and services to the consumer over the Web.

  Benefits: Can present goods more effectively, take orders and invoice on-line, automate customer account enquiries and handle transactions electronically. This means improved margins for the business and a faster, more responsive service for customers.


  Possible difficulties for companies:

  Cost of installing systems and training staff, need to provide 24-hour service /back-up, keeping up-to-date with technical advances, potential systems failures (viruses /Millennium bug)

  Possible difficulties for customers:

  Need to have up-to-date, reliable Internet access (for e-commerce customers), lack of confidence in system security.

