Nuttall has written to Brendan Barber, general secretary of the TUC, urging unions to help raise awareness of the risks for workers, including those such as meter readers, taxi drivers and even sales reps who don’t regard their job as being outdoors. "They don’t perceive themselves to be in any kind of danger," she says.
吉尔·纳托尔已经给英国劳工联合会的秘书长布兰登·巴伯(Brendan Barber)写了信,呼吁工会帮助提高劳工防范紫外线照射的意识,其中主要包括如下人群:抄表员、出租车司机,甚至是推销员。推销员们并不认为他们是在户外工 作。“他们没有意识到自己处在一种危险的环境中。”她说。
She has seen severe sun damage on the hands of reps – exposed to sun through windscreens — who drive for a living because car windscreens do not protect from UVA rays. These rarely trigger obvious sunburn, unlike UVB rays, but cause most photo-ageing, and can also lead to skin cancer. Just as images of smoking-induced wrinkles have been used to appeal to the vanity of the young so charities hope that real images such as that of McElligott could shock people into protecting themselves.
Skin cancer charity Skcin has used a similarly shocking illustration of the ageing effects of the sun in identical twins, one of whom worked outside all her life and one who worked in an office, in presentations. "It always generates a gasp," says Charlotte Fionda of Skcin. The image of McElligott might also have an impact on men who would otherwise not be worried by a few wrinkles, according to Fionda – provided people trust that the image is not fabricated.
皮肤癌机构Skcin在他们的展出中也采用了一张类似令人震惊的图片。图片中是一对同卵双胞胎,其中一人的工作都是在户外,而另一人是在办公室内。“图片 总让人感到震惊。”皮肤癌机构Skcin的夏洛特·菲昂达说道。只要人们相信这张图片不是虚构的,那麦克艾力哥特的照片同样可以给忽略皱纹出现的男人们一 些触动。
"The ageing bit is the one thing that makes people more aware and likely to take action - because they think skin cancer will never happen to them," she says.
识,也更有可能会采取行动,因为他们认为皮肤癌从来不会发生在他们身上。” 她说。 "The imagination is a very powerful thing," adds Nuttall. "It doesn’t take much to imagine one’s own skin in 20 years’ time — William’s story is one we are going to see again and again."