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  QUEST A completion of a local government study resides on your critical path. This would most

  likely be referred to as:

  A Soft logic

  B Hard logic

  C An external dependency

  D A mandatory dependency

  E A lost cause


  QUEST Which of the following can affect network durations?

  A Skills of the resource pool

  B Calendar dates

  C Constraints

  D All of the above

  E A and B only


  QUEST Sources for data on activity durations and resource requirements can be gathered from

  which of the following:

  A Past project records (historical data)

  B Commercial techniques (standard practices, rules of thumb)

  C Past project team members knowledge (experience, oldtimers)

  D All of the above

  E A and C only


  QUEST The erection of foundation formwork before the placement of foundation concrete would be

  an example of a _____ dependency.

  A Discretionary

  B Mandatory

  C External

  D Soft logic

  E Subcontracted


  QUEST "Hard logic" in the preparation of a network refers to:

  A Discretionay dependencies

  B External depenencies

  C Mandatory dependencies

  D All of the above

  E A abd B only


  QUEST The difference between a project and a program is that:

  A A program is made up of multiple projects

  B A program requires at least three times longer to plan than a project

  C A project is a one-shot deal while a program is on-going

  D A and C

  E B and C


  QUEST As a control tool, the bar chart (Gantt) methods is most beneficial for:

  A rearranging conflicting tasks

  B depicting actual versus planned tasks

  C showing the outer dependencies of tasks

  D A and C.

  E A and D


  QUEST You are managing an internal project where a vice president from the user group is acting

  as the sponsor. You have just been informed by your team that the critical path has slipped by

  three weeks. You should:

  A Immediately inform the sponsor and ask for advice

  B Do nothing until the slippage occurs

  C See the sponsor after you have evaluated alternatives, recommendations, and performed an

  impact analysis

  D Look for someone to blame before you see the sponsor

  E Inform your senior management of the problem and tell them that you will get back to them

  after you assessed the situation


  QUEST Line of balance charts are used most frequently in:

  A Engineering

  B Marketing

  C Manufacturing

  D Accounting

  E Contracts and procurement


  QUEST Which of the following is indicative of negative float?

  A The late start date is earlier than the early start date.

  B The critical path supports the imposed end date.

  C The early finish date is equal to the late finish date.

  D When leads are employed in the schedule.

  E The project is sinking.


  QUEST The most frequently used construct in Precedent Diagramming Method is:

  A Start to Start.

  B Finish to Finish.

  C Start to Finish.

  D Finish to Start.

  E Dummy activity.


  QUEST The critical path is calculated by

  A subtracting the end date of task one from the start date of task two.

  B determining which tasks have the least amount of total slack.

  C totaling the time for all activities.

  D determining the shortest path through the network.

  E Determining which tasks have the most slack


  QUEST Using the table in the Special window, Which task is completed?

  A dig hole

  B remove debris

  C survey

  D set forms

  E place concrete


  QUEST Which may be employed to shorten a schedule without changing the scope of the task?

  A Fast tracking.

  B Crashing

  C Releasing resources earlier from tasks which were scheduled with a late start.

  D Alter to task priorities.

  E A or B

