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报检员考试复习重点内容-foreign trade 续(2)


The mass media demanded that all the official documents concerning the sale of this land be made public.大众媒体要求公布有关出售这块土地的全部正式文件。
an official letter公函
official price官方牌价
an official title官衔
official news官方消息
n.官员; 公务员
an official in the department of health卫生部门的官员

71.opening bank 开户银行

72.origin criterion 原产地标准
criterion n.(批评判断的)标准, 准据, 规范

73.pay on delivery(D/P) 货到付款
n.递送, 交付, delivery of a deed.契约的正式交付

74.payment against arrival货到付款
75.payment against documents 凭单付款
76.payment at sight 即期付款,见票即付
77.payment by draft 凭汇票付款
78.payment terms 付款条件

处罚,罚款What is the penalty for dangerous driving?对危险驾车给予什么处罚?
〈足球〉罚球;罚点球penalty kick罚点球
penalty area罚球区

80.per 按照,经,由

81.per cent 百分之几

82.percentage 百分数,百分率
a percentage of 5 百分之五
no percentage没利益
What percentage of the students are absent? 旷课的学生占百分之几?

83.place of dispatch 启运地

84.place of origin 产地

85.preference—giving country给惠国
preference n.偏爱
A teacher should not show preference for any one of his pupils.老师不应偏爱任何一个学生。
优惠special trade preferences特别贸易优惠

86.preference—receiving country 受惠国

87.preferential treatment优惠待遇
preferential adj.优先的;优待的;特惠的
preferential duties特惠关税
treatment n.待遇His treatment of the animal was cruel.他对待这只动物很残忍。


I had the privilege of meeting the queen.我有会见王后的特权。

90.procedure n.
程序legal procedure诉讼程序
工序;过程procedure in production生产过程
The new work procedure is a great improvement on / over the old one.新工序比起老工序来是一个巨大的改善。


92.processing criterion加工标准

93.produce 产品,生产
to produce wheat出产小麦
That factory produces cars.那家工厂生产小汽车。

94.product产品;成果farm product农产品
Petrol is the most important product of many Middle-East countries.石油是许多中东国家最重要的产品。
The company sells plastic products.这家公司出售塑料制品

This provision ensures to / for us a voice in the subject.这个规定使我们对这个问题有了发言权。
Both sides have to act according to the provisions of the agreement.双方都应按照协议条款办事。

96.quantity 数量,量
a quantity of一些

97.quantity declared 报检数量
declared adj.呈[申]报的declared trust公开的信托; declared value申报价格

98.refund退款,偿还refund one's money退钱
It is a regulation of the football club that dogs are not allowed inside.狗不许入内是这个足球俱乐部的规定。
The rules and regulations should be made to be manifest to all staff.规章制度应该让全体员工都明白
100.remittance with order订货时即支付货款
remittance n.汇款(单); 汇票; (款子的)汇寄;
make remittance汇款, 开发[支]票等
advance remittance预付汇款
bank post remittance银行邮汇
cash remittance汇款单; 解款单
clean remittance (of commercial paper)s不跟单汇兑

101.renew 展期,更新

102.reservation clause 保留条款
reservation n.保留;限制
I accept without reservations!我毫无保留地接受。
I have some reservations about his story.我对他说的不大相信。
clause n.条款;款项

a revocable order;可撤消的命令;a revocable vote. 可废弃的选票

104.route n.路线We came by a longer route than usual.我们走了一条比通常要长的路来的。

a sample of his work他工作的榜样
Samples are presented free in the company.本公司样品免费赠送。

106.scheme under GSP 普惠制方案
color scheme色彩调配
He thought of a scheme to get some money.他想出了一个弄钱的方案。
GSP Generalized System of Preference (关税)一般特惠制的简写

107.seal 密封,印章We seal the back of envelopes.我们把信封的背面封上。

卖方;行销货a good seller
易于销售的货品/a best seller
畅销品; 畅销书/a sellers' market
seller-consignor n.卖方-发货人

109.settle结算,解决Please settle your account immediately.请立刻结清你的欠帐。

110.shipping mark 唛头,装运标记
111.shipping weight离岸重量
112.shortage in weight 短重
115.size 大小,尺寸
Gold is solid, but when you heat it, it becomes liquid.黄金是固体,可是把它加热时,就成了液体。

117.sound goods 完好货物
sound adj.完好的;健全的;坚实的;稳固的
sound rock坚硬的岩石
He's in a sound sleep.他睡得很香。

118.special terms/conditions 特殊条款

119.species of animal 动物种类
species n.(植物或 动物的)种
a species of animal一种动物
All species will breed inter se.所有的生物都在其种内进行繁殖。


121.specimen 标本,试样
He collects specimens of all kinds of rocks and minerals.他采集各种岩石和矿物的标本。

122.stamp 印章,盖章
123.standard 标准
That dress is in the latest style.那套衣服是最新式样的。
a new style of car新型小汽车

a supplier to the auto industry汽车工业的材料供应者
beneficiary supplier受惠供应国
126.tare 皮重,包装重量
the tares among the good混在好的当中的坏东西

127.tare weight皮重,包装重量

tariff reform关税改革
raise tariff barriers against foreign goods建立关税壁垒以抵制舶来品

129.Technical Barriers to Trade(TBT) 技术性贸易壁垒
technical a technical adviser.技术专家顾问
technical terminology.专门术语
technical expertise.专业知识
barrier n.非物质的妨碍或阻碍物

130.telegraphic transfer (T/T) 电汇
telegraphic adj.电报的;电报传递的
transfer v.(常与to连用)迁移;调任;转移
His employer transferred him to another office.老板把他调到了另一个办公室。

131.terms of payment 付款条件

capacity tonnage吨位; 标记载重
cargo tonnage货物吨位
carrying tonnage载重量
133.total 总的,总数
135.trade mark 商标
136.Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights(TRIPS) 与贸易有关的知识产权
intellectual adj. 知识性的,知识分子的
n intellectual person.知识分子

137.transaction 交易,处理
capital transaction资本交易
cash transaction现金交易
commercial transaction商业行为

138.transferable 可转让的

139.transit trade 转口贸易
transit n. (外贸)过境运输
the transit of goods货物的运送
the overland transit陆上运输路线

140.unavoidable 不可避免的
141.undersigned 下面签发的,本人签字的
the undersigned names.签上的姓名

142.unit price 单价
unit n.个体单位;单元;
This lesson is divided into four units.这一课分为四个单元。
The pound is the standard unit of money in Britain.镑是英国货币的标准单位。
(在填制英文单证中,是会涉及到的单词,另外还有与其密切相关的单词total price总价)

143.user 用户
the term of validity有效期间

What is the value of your house? 你的房子值多少钱?
Your help has been of great value.你的帮助很有价值。

147.void 无法律效力的
null and void 无效

The volume of this container is 2 cubic meters.这个容器的容量是两立方米。

149.zero of duty 零关税,免税
Nought is another way of saying zero.‘nought’是‘zero’的另一种说法。

the torrid zone热带
the temperate zone温带
the frigid zone寒带
a danger zone危险地带
a war zone战区
smokeless zone禁止吸烟区

151.warehouse 仓库,货栈
bonded manufacturing warehouse保税工厂
customs warehouse海关仓库
EXW ex warehouse卖方仓库交货价(常用的贸易术语之一,通常也叫工厂交货)
finished goods warehouse成品仓库
fuel warehouse燃料库
transit warehouse中转仓库

152.withdraw 撤消,撤回
He withdrew from the race.他退出比赛。
The army withdrew.军队撤退了。
to withdraw a remark收回一句话
