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报检员考试复习重点内容-foreign trade(1)

掌握报检员考试重点内容-foreign trade,收藏外贸词汇。

1.accept 接受,承兑
vt. 接受;收下
to accept a present from his friend接受朋友的礼物
I've received a gift from him, but I'm not going to accept it.
Please accept my apologies.请接受我的歉意。
to accept the blame承担责任

2.abide by 遵守,守约
abide vi., vt./ abided, abiding
Please feel assured that we will abide by our promise.请放心我们一定遵守诺言。
She can't abide watching horror films.她不能看恐怖电影。
Abide with me.和我住在一起吧。
By prep.在附近, 在旁边, 经, 由, 依据, 按照, 通过, 用

3.acceptance 接受报价,货物验收
4.accord with 符合,与…一致
accord vt. vi. (常与with连用)一致;符合
His opinion accorded with mine.他的意见与我的一致。
Most students study and rest according to schedules.大多数学生按照时间表作息。
According to my watch it is already 12 o'clock.根据我的表,现在已经是十二点了。
We accorded him a hearty welcome.我们给与他热烈的欢迎。

5.according to 按照,根据
6.account 帐户,原因
account n.
报导; (书面或口头)报告
an exciting account of the match对这次比赛激动人心的报导
These accounts show no consistency.这些报道前后不一。
He put his knowledge to good account.他使知识发挥了效益。
The accounts show we have spent more than we received.账目表明我们支出多于收入。
All the accounts of the firm were certified as correct.公司所有帐目被证明为正确无误。
account payable应付账款
account receivable应收账款
Your account is still unpaid.你的帐还没付。
He paid the money into his bank account.他把钱存在他的银行账户上。

7.acknowledge 承认,确认,收悉
vt.-edged, -edging 承认
I acknowledge the truth of his statement.我承认他说的是事实。
He was acknowledged to be the best player.他被公认为是最佳选手。
to acknowledge his letter表明已收到他的来信

8.actual arrival 实际到货(达)
actual adj.实际的; 真实的
I can not give the actual figures.我不能举出实际数字。
the actual state现状
The arrival of the train was delayed.那列火车晚点到达。

9.actual weight 实际重量
weight n.重量
What is your weight?你体重多少?
The baby's weight was four kilos.这个婴儿体重4千克。
an idea of weight有份量的见解
the weight of responsibility责任的重担

10.additional 另外的,附加的
an additional tax附加税
the additional regulation补充规定

address the letter在信上写地址
Addressing envelopes all day long is dreary work.成天给信封写地址是一种沉闷单调的工作。
The football captain addressed him team.足球队长向队员讲话。

12.addressee 收件人

13.addresser 寄件人

14.advance freight 预付运费
advance vt., vi./advanced, advancing提前;
The troops advanced.部队向前开进。
The Allied troops are advancing on the camp of the enemy.盟军正在向敌军营地挺进。
to advance to a higher position提升到较高的职位
The work is not advancing.工作没有进展。
freight n.运货;运输
The freight is included in the account.运费包括在帐内。
This freight must be carefully handled when loading.这些货物在装载时必须小心轻放。

15advance payment 预付贷款
payment n. 支付
He gave the man £3 in payment for the book.他为买这本书付给这人3英镑。

16.advance shipment 提前装船
17.advice 通知,劝告
18.advice of arrival 到货通知,抵港通知
advice n.忠告, 建议, [商]通知
19.advice of import goods 进口货物通知单
20.advising bank 通知银行

21.agency n.代理,代办机构;代理处;经销处;社;机构
sole agency独家代理
agency general总代理
agency service代理业务

22.agreement n. 协议;一致;同意; 协议;契约
They have made an agreement about the plan.他们在这个计划上意见一致了。
His opinion is in agreement with mine.他的意见和我的一致。

23.air express service 航空快运
express n. 快车 (= express train);快递服务;快件服务

24.airmail 航空邮件

25airproof 密封的,不透气的

26airtransport 空运

27 airborne goods 空运货物

28 allowance 允差,折扣
n.津贴, 零用钱;留余地;承认, 接受;【商】折扣
put one on an allowance of bread使某人分享定量的面包
the allowance of a claim承认要求
make an allowance of 10%for cash payment现款九折
My monthly allowance is 50 yuan.我每月的津贴是50元。

29 alternative adj.替换物
The way was blocked, so we went by an alternative road.
I wanted to go out, but I had no money. I had no alternative to staying at home.
We have no alternative but to go on.除了继续下去,我们没有选择的余地。
There was no other alternative but to fight till the victory.除了战斗直到胜利,别无选择。

30 amendment advice更改通知书
amendment n.改正,修改
The plan was passed without amendments这个计划未经修改就通过了。
The discussion on the amendment of the tax law passed off without a hitch.

31 applicant申请人
an applicant for a position求职者
an applicant for admission to a school入学申请者
an applicant for Party membership入党申请者
job applicant求职人员
loan applicant申请借款人
patent applicant专利申请人

32application n.
The application of new scientific discoveries to industrial production methods usually increases efficiency.把新的科学发现运用到工业生产上,通常可以提高效率。
This has no application to the case.这不适用于那个案子。
an application for a job求职书
application for insurance投保单

33 arbitration仲裁,公断

34arrival notice到货通知单

35 article n.
The woman first bought a few small articles.这个妇女先买了些小商品
an article about ships一篇关于船舶的文章

36.as follows如下

37.at sight即期,见票即付
sight n.景象,景物;视觉,视力
She lost her sight in an accident.她在一次事故中丧失了视力。
I caught sight of an empty seat at the back of the bus.我看到公共汽车的后面有一个空座位。
to put sth. out of sight藏起某物
to see the sight游览名胜
It cost him a sight of money.那花了他许多钱。
in sight可见,看得见;在望;不远
Peace was in sight.和平在望。
lose sight of看不见;失去联系;忘记;没有考虑到
out of sight看不到,不被看到;很高;很大
Keep out of my sight.不要让我看见你。

38 at the request of应…请求
request n.要求;请求
a request for help请求帮助
She made a request for some water.她请求给点水。
We shall give your request our careful consideration.我们将仔细考虑你的要求。
Do they play requests on this radio show?电台的节目中有点播节目吗?

39.attached photo附照
attached adj. 附上...的
goods attached查封的货物
attached to附着
wage attached to a post职务津贴
take a photo(自己来)拍照
have[get] one's photo taken请人给自己拍照
have a photo taken with sb.和某人合影
make a photo of摄下...的图象
