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Moon and Sixpence (免费公版书)

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Moon and Sixpence (免费公版书)

This book was converted from its physical edition to the digital format by a community of volunteers. You may find it for free on the web. Purchase of the Kindle edition includes wireless delivery.

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1开始我对Charles 非常讨厌,我觉得这个人极度以自我为中心,恩将仇报,太冷漠,没有责任心,但是到了后来,他来到小岛上过上幸福生活,也为他高兴,得了麻风病之后,受他人的冷漠,自己的孩子也死掉,感到好哀的。

2一个人到了四十岁突然醒悟过来,追求自己儿时的理想,抛弃老婆和孩子,一个人跑到巴黎。需要多大的勇气和决心"rest":"。<br /><br />3一个女人刚开始得知自己的男人跟外面的女人跑了,她说她会原谅他,到死也等着他回来,永远爱着他。后来才知道自己的男人为了画画去了巴黎,情感上并没有出轨,但是再也不回来,她永远恨这个男人,永远不会原谅他。咋一听觉得多么奇怪的逻辑。可是我站在这个女人的角度去思考,可能前者这个女人将自己与其它的女人比较,知道外面有更优秀的女人,更优秀的女人把自己的丈夫勾引去了。后者则是把自己和物品相比较,一个活生生的人和画相比较,而自己的丈夫却选择了画,这是女人所不能原谅的。<br /><br />4我最同情的是没有画画天赋的男二号画家,圣母心大发,接来病弱的Strickland 先生画家养病,Strickland 先生画家的病好了,自己的老婆被拐走了。一段时间后自己的老婆因为得不到Strickland 的爱自杀了。<br /><br />5Strickland 是一个开挂的人,自从画画后,不管走到哪里都能吸引一大波妹子上钩,却口口声声说自己不再爱了,天理在哪里,最后还是在丛林找了个十几岁妹子结了婚,做人能不能真诚点。<br /><br />6理想与现实,Charles 最后实现了自己的艺术上成就,可是一生的现实却过的好苦逼。他的作品最后没能给他丛林同患难的妻子和孩子过上幸福的生活,而是荣誉都落在了前妻身上,我觉得好不公平啊。<br /><br />7这本书的最高潮是最后的四分之一。<br /><br />摘抄<br />We were like tramcars running on their lines from terminus to terminus.<br />As lovers, the difference between men and women is that women can love all day long, but men only at times.<br />They are strangers in their birthplace.<br />He had achieved that what he wanted. He had made a world and saw that it was good. Then, in pride and contempt, he destroyed it."

This is the first time that I have the pleasure of perusing Maugham's work. When it comes to Maugham and his book The Moon and Sixpence, I confer myself the responsibility on introducing you the person who recommended this book to me about 5 years ago. She was a graceful lady with a wide experience of life. Neither her dressing nor her style of conversation were impeccable. She was the very person who taught me, as a woman, how to lead a free and easy life. Books, especially masterpieces almost fill my hungry mind. I wouldn't like to conceal the truth that I'm such a sentimental guy who is sti"rest":"ll immersed in the book finished reading for a while, but with a smart mind to reflect what exactly the author wanted to tell. The moon and the sixpence VS the immaterial and material life, don't they say the same thing? There is a huge amount of people who select to be slaves of power or money, whereas some grave minds choose to be masters of destiny. How to live and what kind of people you wanna be? This just depends on your choice."


he said women were all the same,all they need was love,they wanted to possess you,both physically and spiritually,they can do anything for love,but they can not do just one thing-leave him alone. so he left his wife, he did not care when blanche commited suicide for him. he cared nothing irrelevant. he was unfit. but he was lucky to have come to tahiti,he was lucky to have ata,the only woman loved him and accepted him.but over all, he is both resentful and pitiful. a tragic character. but who am i here to judge? maybe keep an open mind, and mind only my own business.

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