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The Grapes of Wrath

Shocking and controversial when it was first published in 1939, Steinbeck's Pulitzer prize-winning e
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The Grapes of Wrath

Shocking and controversial when it was first published in 1939, Steinbeck's Pulitzer prize-winning epic remains his undisputed masterpiece. Set against the background of dust bowl Oklahoma and Californian migrant life, it tells of the Joad family, who, like thousands of others, are forced to travel West in search of the promised land. Their story is one of false hopes, thwarted desires and broken dreams, yet out of their suffering Steinbeck created a drama that is intensely human, yet majestic in its scale and moral vision; an eloquent tribute to the endurance and dignity of the human spirit.


Nobel Prize-winning author John Steinbeck is remembered as one of the greatest and best-loved American writers of the twentieth century. His complete works will be available in Penguin Modern Classics.


This is the sort of book that stirs one so deeply that it is almost impossible to attempt to convey the impression it leaves. It is the story of today's Exodus, of America's great trek, as the hordes of dispossessed tenant farmers from the dust bowl turn their hopes to the promised land of California's fertile valleys. The story of one family, with the "hangers-on" that the great heart of extreme poverty sometimes collects, but in that story is symbolized the saga of a movement in which society is before the bar. What an indictment of a system - what an indictment of want and poverty in the land of plenty! There is flash after flash of unforgettable pictures, sharply etched with that restraint and power of pen that singles Steinbeck out from all his contemporaries. There is anger here, but it is a deep and disciplined passion, of a man who speaks out of the mind and heart of his knowledge of a people. One feels in reading that so they must think and feel and speak and live. It is an unresolved picture, a record of history still in the making. Not a book for casual reading. Not a book for unregenerate conservative. But a book for everyone whose social conscience is astir - or who is willing to face facts about a segment of American life which is and which must be recognized. Steinbeck is coming into his own. A new and full length novel from his pen is news. Publishers backing with advertising, promotion aids, posters, etc. Sure to be one of the big books of the Spring. First edition limited to half of advance as of March 1st. One half of dealer's orders to be filled with firsts. (Kirkus Reviews)

网友对The Grapes of Wrath的评论

The Grapes of Wrath愤怒的葡萄,是我最喜欢的文学作品,没有之一。其实看这本书完全是处于偶然,一次看一个访谈,主持人和Benedict Cumberbatch【演夏洛克那个额这不是重点重点是书= =】很自然地提到了这本书,而我不知道这本书,也不知道作者John Steinbeck 是谁。我想这一定是一本在英国【后来知道主要是米国Orz】家喻户晓的书吧,于是就很想去看。当时在英国的亚马逊上面看Review, 很多人都说,这是他们看过的最好的小说,但是需要多适应Steinbeck 的文风。我就只是想,有难度才好啊。买到书我真是吃惊了不小,小说里面大段大段的对话全是中西部的方言不说,这本书是我从来没有看过的描写美国西部的粗犷生活。。完全就不是我的菜啊。。但是我还是硬着头皮读了下去。To my utter surprise,我被这这本prize-winning novel深深吸引了。虽然刚开始理解适应方言有难度,但慢慢的就习惯了因为很容易猜到意思,而且自己也开始觉得,如果把方言改为标准的英语的话,真的无法体现这本书的灵魂——勤劳醇厚的人们,勇敢的看似鲁莽的在西部的奋斗,太阳般沉沉的希望。Steinbeck对景物的描写,对人物的刻画,也让我感到了另一种风格的英文的美丽。这种美,美得很厚重,美得经得起时间的沉淀,美得唤起读者心中早已失落的对原始、对纯真的渴望。You can f"rest":"eel California, the sun as big as the wagon went beside it, and the heat that swept through the patched hills. People didn't know what's going on. They just believe their day would come, but they don't know why and how. Why leave? Some people asked them. \"don't know, why,' they answered, staring into the open road that led to the promised land, the uncertainties and all. So, they just ride.<br /><br />其中让我最为感动的是Ma, 作为家里Tom的妈妈,她几乎一个人包管了一家老小十多个人的衣食住行,在我眼里她就是一个淳朴善良女性的代表。其中一个最让我感动的场景,是Joads 一家准备离开前往加州的前一晚,Ma一个人回屋检查落下什么东西没有。她在角落里发现了一个盒子,打开来看全是过往的信,廉价的首饰。她就这样浸湿着双眼,一个一个地拿出来反复地看,又放回去,最后只带走了戒指。我看到这里的时候,真正地感受到了当时人民对于明天就要离开的复杂情感——离开土地的不知所措,对过去对土地的依依不舍但是只有忘掉从前重新开始,对明天的迷茫。Ma作为家里的顶梁柱,面对一家人都因为要被迫离开原来属于自己的土地,前往一个未卜的陌生加州而忧心忡忡时,被问到自己还不害怕,她想也不想说,“ No, I'm not scare' [scared].\" 因为他们要依靠我。是的,他们要依靠我,我怎么可以害怕。其实她也是害怕的,她也不知道明天会怎样,但是她是这个家的支撑。想到她独自一个人看盒子滴落的眼泪,我的心真的很酸楚。有很多时候我们需要戴上面具,不为虚荣,而是因为我们在乎我们爱的人,不想让他们知道自己的悲伤。这种爱是伟大的爱,是负责任的爱,是无条件的爱。<br /><br />然后我很肤浅地加一句warning.. 个人觉得情节进行地比较慢 有点monotone 的感觉所以。。虽然很多老外告诉我说是page-turner 但是我对此还是有10%的怀疑哈 BUT when you feel a certain connection with the Joads, you will certainly be enchanted. At east I did. 有个过程。<br /><br />Enjoy your reading! hope you'll love it."

斯坦贝克 一个重要的确不是被中国人重视的作家。这里面处理研究者的误导之外,还有就是在这个作家身上确实有一些不被人们理解的特殊性。虽然每一个世界级的作家都有其独特性,但是有的独特性能够为人们所理解和接受,有的却很难在短时间内活得这种效果。斯坦贝克的小说都是硬邦邦的硬头货,几乎很少那种华华丽丽的装饰性的文字,我不知道他怎么能找到那么多硬邦邦的生活与材料。这是美国现代文学史上非常重要的作家。美国只有到了20世纪才成为文化帝国,在这个帝国里面许多作家成为这个文化帝国的标志性人物。


书前书后的边边角角还有折痕啥的太明显了……新书就这样不太舒服 什么都没包 包层也许会好一点吧



这个版本是毛边的,就是书边是非常毛糙的,乍一看好像是直接拿手撕开的书边一样,但是这是国外图书一种特别的binding method,不是毛病,后来的同学需要注意了。


很不错 厚厚一本很有质感,捧起读感觉很好


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