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  Chinese academics and government advisers said Beijing was unlikely to provide a large aid package to South Sudan.


  “First you have to fix the relationship between North and South Sudan, otherwise it doesn’t matter whether you are providing loans or whether you are building infrastructure, it won’t mean anything,” said Yin Gang, an African specialist at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, a government advisory body.


  China should refrain from supporting South Sudan’s planned oil pipeline via Kenya to avoid angering Khartoum, he said. “Perhaps loans for people’s wellbeing, for drinking water and paving roads, might be a possibility. But we shouldn’t give loans for them to change oil channels,” Mr Yin said.


  At a press briefing on Tuesday, China’s foreign ministry reiterated its call for dialogue between Sudan and South Sudan and declined to say whether it was prepared to extend loans to South Sudan.


  “We hope that the two sides can resolve their problems through dialogue, without resorting to actions that might escalate the situation,” it said. “Oil is the lifeline of both countries, and maintaining stable co-operation with foreign oil companies is in the interest of both countries. This is also in the interest of groups including China’s oil companies and their partners.”


  A resumption of talks seems unlikely, however, as both sides seem increasingly to be betting that the other government will fall, analysts said. South Sudan is fast running out of cash since it stopped oil production, while Sudan’s economy has also been squeezed by the loss of oil revenues.


  The African Union is trying to restart stalled negotiations and has criticised the south for attacking Heglig and the north for bombarding the south.

  非洲联盟(African Union)正试图重启陷入僵局的谈判,并批评南苏丹攻打哈季利季(Heglig),批评苏丹轰炸南苏丹。

  The complexity of the negotiations, which include not only oil but also disputed territory, debt allocations and citizenship, has long foxed mediators.


  “It’s just a bloody difficult mediation. It represents the same sort of deal you’re trying to get between Israel and Palestine,” said a foreign diplomat. “We’ve got to get back to the table.”


  The US has little leverage to influence the situation, analysts said. Given the years of sanctions against the Sudanese regime, Washington has no sway in Khartoum, while the new government in Juba also appears to be paying little attention to the appeals of the Obama administration, despite the longstanding support that the South has received from the US.


  Additional reporting by Gwen Chen in Beijing and Geoff Dyer in Washington

  陈晓敏(Gwen Chen)北京、杰夫•代尔(Geoff Dyer)华盛顿补充报道
