6. London’s bike hire scheme couldn’t be simpler, by the way: just go up to the terminal at any docking station, pay by card and take away one of our so-called "Boris bikes". When you’re done with it, simply throw it into the nearest canal. They’re disposable!
7. Do not ask a policeman the best way to get to the West End or how to use an Oyster card. He wants to help, but he’s from the West Midlands.
8. Please aid the Olympic authorities and organisers by demonstrating at all times that you are not a terrorist. Do not perspire, take off your shoes, smile in a weird way while texting someone, or point and shout: "Hey! Look at all those missiles on that roof over there!" In fact, if you’re not using your hands for anything, it’s probably best if you keep them in the air where everybody can see them.
请时刻注意证明你不是恐怖分子,这样就是对奥运组委会和主办方最大的帮助。别出汗,别脱掉鞋子,别在发短信时保持诡异的微笑,别指着某处大喊:“嘿!看那边房顶上的飞过的导弹!” 事实上,如果你的手闲着没事儿,最好能放在让所有人都能看见的地方。
9. We here in the UK want nothing more than to provide you, our guests, with a fantastic experience this summer, combining the best in international sport, brilliant facilities, fantastic entertainment and a cultural legacy that draws on centuries of excellence in art and architecture. If you ended up with four tickets for the wrestling at the ExCel Centre, well, better luck next time.