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  Note: This English Examination Paper includes six items. Please write all your swers on the separate Answer Sheet.


  I. Choose the correct answer and write it on the Answer Sheet by blackening the corresponding letter Only one answer is correct. (20 points)


  l. Susan and I often __, but we're good friends.

  A. discuss B. disagree

  C. dislike D. dismiss

  2. He is happy with the price and __ to pay.

  A. will B. willing

  C. unwilling D. willingly

  3. Scientists know that the combination of extreme heat and pressure changes carbon __diamonds

  A. for B. as

  C.into D. from

  4. As __ as we don't lose heart, we'll find a way to overcome the difficulty.

  A. Long B. far

  C. soon D. much

  5 . We expressed the hope__ they would come and visit China again.

  A. which B. in which

  C. that D. in that

  6. A good song lends comfort to people ___ they feel less lonely.

  A. when B. unless

  C. in that D. so that

  7. Our government always ___ attention to the well-being of the people.

  A.plays B. passes

  C. pays D. places

  8. The day will come___ we will be from air pollution.

  A. when B. what

  C. why D. where

  9. So fast --- light travel that it is difficult for us to imagine its speed.

  A.as B. that

  C. does D. what

  10. It is because he was ill he didn' t go to school.

  A. so B. that

  C. why D. which

  ll. if we the l0 o' clock train, we might get there by lunchtime.

  A. catch B. caught

  C. take D. watched

  l2. I going to the cinema to watching TV at home.

  A. pick B. choose

  C. select D.prefer

  l3. one of the two dictionaries is , the other is my colleague' s.

  A. my B. myself

  C. mine D. mine's
