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  IV. fill in the blanks with the given verbs in their proper forms Write your answers on the Answer Sheet . (l0 points)


  l. We will go to the Great Wall if it (be) fine tomorrow-

  2. In 1995, a strong earthquake (take) place in Japan.

  3. By the end of last year they (heat) 26,000patients.

  4. The People's Republic of China (found) in l949.

  5. (design) by a pop of experts, the bridge was quite a success.

  6. I happened (meet) him in the street yesterday.

  7. He enjoyed (take) the children out for long walks.

  8. Do you know the man (stand) at the entrance?

  9. If I (not see) it with my own eyes, I wouldn't have believed it.

  10. No decision (make) so far.

  V. Translate the following sentences into English. Write them on the Answer Sheet. (20points)






  VI- Translate the five sentences underlined in the following Passage into Chinese. Write them on the Answer Sheet. (20points)


  0ne reason so many of us are disappointed and worried today is that we are using our heads toomuch and our hands too little. (l )Nature provides us with hands and when a man lets them grow useless and clumsy(笨拙),he is trying to oppose nature.

  The trouble with that man, with millions of men and women like him, is that he is trying to live with only his brain functioning.Three years ago a lawyer I know began to feel that he was going stale .He knew something was missing in his life, but he didn' t know what. On impulse (冲动) one day he decided to make a small table for his living room. (2 )Newer before had he made anything with his hands ,but he ordered lumber(木料)and tools, He worked till midnight the first night.

  "A curious thing happened to me, lf he told me. (3)”As that table, clumsy though it was, began to take shape under my hands ,I was actually creating something.”That lawyer has now rigged up (装配) a carpenter's shop in his basement and Puts

  in five orsit hours a week down there.

  (4 )”When I’m working in my shop,” he told me the other day, “I lose all thoughts of worry and responsibility ,and my mind clears up link the air after a storm."That feeling isn' t silly at all. Psychologically, it's absolutely sound. Every

  creator feels the identical sense of self-expression and satisfaction in his work, whether it is a kitchen chair or a

  Gothic cathedral' (5 )The importance lies in what you put into your work yourself – not what the world thinks of the result.
