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  14. Practice is the to any skill.

  A. key B. tip

  C. end D. aim

  l5. It to me that l had already bought her a gift.

  A. switched B. reminded

  C. returned D. occurred

  l6 listening to what the teacher says in class less work later.

  A. mean B. means

  C. meant D. meaning

  l7. Exercise, fresh air, and sleep are to our health.

  A. enough B- efficient

  C. essential D. external

  l8. My papers seem to be everywhere where they ought to be.

  A. except B. besides

  C. beside D. in addition to

  19. If you want to save money, you should no buy the watch.

  A. necessary B. expensive

  C. convenient D. impossible

  2O. Good reading habits are no only an important study skill for the student, an

  important life

  skill for anyone .

  A. as well as B. and also

  C. rather than D. but also

  Ⅱ. For each blank in the following passage, choose one from the four choices

  given that is

  mot suitable and blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer sheet. (l0



  learning goes on by adding new facts or skills to 1 the learner has. Each new fact or skill is easier to add than any that was learned before it. Thus the mere one knows about a subject the easier 2 to learn new things about it.Although memory is important, study is not a 3 of memory only. Arithmetic problems for instance, are mainly practice in using numbers in ways already 4

  Reading, spelling, and writing are skill subjects 5 and require. They are also tool subjects 6 which the learner can increase his knowledge. The sciences, language arts, and social studies are skill subjects only 7 . they the give the learner practice in understanding relationships 8 ideas and events, or cause and effect.Some facts and skids are learned by 9 activities. Some are learned by watching what others do or by reading about what happened. 10 every case one learns faster if he has a background of information from experience or study .

  (l) A. that B. which C. those D. these

  (2) A. there is B. he has C. that is D.it is

  (3) A. matter B. work C. lot D role

  (4) A. learned B. being learned C. to be learned D. to have learned

  (5) A. yet B. too C. eiti1er D. however

  (6) A. as a result of B. by means of' C. in regard to D. in addition to

  (7) A. in turn B. in case C. in part D. in place

  (8) A. in B. out of C. for D. between

  (9) A. taking part in B. taking advantage of

  C. keeping up with D. giving rise to

  (l0)A. For B. On C. In D. At

  III. Red the following passage and choose the correct answer to each question by

  blackening the corresponding letter on the Answer sheet. (20 points)


  Hobbies -- Using Leisure for Pleasure

  In all history, when men have had free time they have turned to a hobby for pleasure. The cavemen were our first known creative hobbyists. In the free time

  they had after the hunting and fighting that were necessary to keep them alive, some turned to drawing. They drew and scratched on the walls of their caves crude pictures of the animals they knew and the battles they had fought.From the dawn of history to the pmt day men have left records of the fun they have had "riding a hobby" .Gorge Washington was one of the first busy hobbyists in American history. As a youngster he was interested in mathematics, This interest led to his early years as a surveyor. His early agricultural experiments added to his success as a farmer. He found time to design furniture that added beauty to his home at Mount Vernon. His study of evening skies with a primitive telescope increased his knowledge of his own world. He also made a collection of varieties of tea. All these interests added to his enjoyment of living.

  Today hobbies are more important than ever. We have more leisure than we have ever had in the Past. The shorter workweek and the fact that we will live longer than our parents and grandparents give us this new leisure. Throughout our lives each of

  us will have thousands of be house after studying and working. Interesting hobbies can be the best answer to the question of how to use these home. The early choice of hath indoor and outdoor hobbies can make the difference between wasting a big Part of our lives and enjoying full, creative lives.The hobby you choose be one that will keep you interested all your life. On the other hand it may be one that you win outgrow all it mp be necessary to choose another. for hobbies lead directly to jobs, others just to continuous Pleasure.Hobby activity is possible in almost every field. There are creative-art hobbies, science hobbies and nature hobbies that attract many people. Collecting, photography, and sports are also very popular hobbies. Some other people may find their pleasure in cooking, gardening, raising pets, or model building- Whatever the bobby -- it is good if it keeps you busy and happy.

  l . A hobby is in one's free time.

  A. an interesting occupation B. a regular business

  C. a Part-time job D. a harmful activity

  2. One of the hobbies we knew the cavemen had was .

  A. hunting B. fighting

  C. drawing D. riding

  3. "the dawn Of history" in Paragraph I refers to .

  A. the time to history began

  B- an unknown period of time in man's history

  C. the time before man has a written history

  D. the time after man has written down his history

  4. Which of he following is not mentioned in Paragraph 2 as George Washington's hobby?

  A. Doing agricultural experiments B. Designing furniture

  C. Watching evening skies D. Collecting postage stamps

  5 .George Washington's early interest in helped him know his own world better -

  A. mathematics B. farming

  C. astronomy D. tea collection

  6. George Washington had his early hobbies because .

  A. he wanted to work as a surveyor

  B. he thought he may later become a farmer

  C. he enjoyed those activities in his life

  D. he had nothing else to do in his free time

  7. According to the Passage, the major reason for hobbies to play an important role today is that

  A. we have to work harder in the modem world

  B. we have more free time than ever before

  C. we are more interested in the world around us

  D. we have a wider mp of interest in our life

  8, Which of the following statements is true according to the Passage?

  A. Primitive people have left no records of their hobbies.

  B.You don' t hay to choose a hobby since that makes no difference.

  C. When you have chose a hobby, you will never change your interest

  D. Some hobbies may waste a great deal of our time

  9. A good hobby must be one that

  A. will keep you interested all your life

  B. leads directly to jobs

  C. keeps you busy and happy

  D.requires little money and much effort

  10. Which of the following belongs to creative-art hobbies?

  A. Cooking B. Playing cards

  C. Collecting ancient coins D. Painting
