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  我还期待着才华出众的美国驻华大使、州长洪博培(Jon Huntsman)的提名获得确认。洪博培具有在亚洲生活和工作的丰富经历,而且不像我,他能说一口流利的汉语普通话。他也碰巧是曾负责参议员麦凯恩(McCain)竞选的共和党人。我认为这显示了洪博培为祖国效力的责任感,以及两党对美中建立富有成果的积极关系的广泛支持。

  今天,我们是在一座体现上世纪历史的建筑中举行会议。这座建筑里有一个纪念美国伍德罗?威尔逊(Woodrow Wilson)总统的中心,当他担任总统时,20世纪才开始不久,美国在世界的领导地位还刚刚显现。这座建筑以罗纳德?里根(Ronald Reagan)命名,里根是在两次世界大战期间长大成人,他的总统任期推动了新的历史时代的到来。大厦里有一块柏林墙上的砖,它见证了几十年来象征分裂的柏林墙最终的倒塌,放开了仍在继续改变我们世界的全球化浪潮。


  Today, we look out on the horizon of a new century. And as we launch this dialogue, it is important for us to reflect upon the questions that will shape the 21st century. Will growth be stalled by events like our current crisis, or will we cooperate to create balanced and sustainable growth, lifting more people out of poverty and creating a broader prosperity? Will the need for energy breed competition and climate change, or will we build partnerships to produce clean power and to protect our planet? Will nuclear weapons spread unchecked, or will we forge a new consensus to use this power for only peaceful purposes?

  Will extremists be able to stir conflict and division, or will we unite on behalf of our shared security? Will nations and peoples define themselves solely by their differences, or can we find the common ground necessary to meet our common challenges, and to respect the dignity of every human being?

  We cannot predict with certainty what the future will bring, but we can be certain about the issues that will define our times. And we also know this: the relationship between the United States and China will shape the 21st century, which makes it as important as any bilateral relationship in the world. That reality must underpin our partnership. That is the responsibility we bear.

  As we look to the future, we can learn from our past for history shows us that both our nations benefit from engagement that is grounded in mutual interests and mutual respect. During my time in office, we will mark the 40th anniversary of President Nixon's trip to China. At that time, the world was much different than it is today. America had fought three wars in East Asia in just thirty years, and the Cold War was in a stalemate. China's economy was cut off from the world, and a huge percentage of the Chinese people lived in extreme poverty.



