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One Day (Movie Tie-in Edition) | |||
One Day (Movie Tie-in Edition) |
One Day revisits Dexter and Emma every year on the anniversary of their first night together. Each July 15th becomes a snapshot of a particular time and place, offering an irresistible and often hilarious chronicle of the lovers they acquire, the careers they pursue, the culture that influences them, and the opportunities they embrace or squander. As their stories unfold, David Nicholls brilliantly explores the interplay of character and fate that shape our lives.
Emma Morley和Dexter Mayhew在大学中偶然相识,共同度过了他们的毕业之夜。那是1988年7月15日,两人的未来都悬而未决。Dexter这个来自于富裕家庭的自信、英俊的男孩,只知道他未来的梦想是“想要成功…过刺激的生活、但不要有混乱和曲折。”Emma决定面对自己左倾的热情和梦想,但她也不知道该做些什么。第二天他们分开,Dexter去环游世界、Emma返回自己在英国利兹的工薪阶层家庭思考未来做些什么,在分别前二人模糊地约定保持联络。在接下来的20年中,两人挂念着彼此,有时见面重燃这种既不能割舍又难以解释的关系。
网友对One Day (Movie Tie-in Edition)的评论
关于版本,目前有两个版本,Vintage的版本(包括普通平装版和movie Tie-in),一个是Hodder的平装版,大家各取所需。注意前者是美国平装版,后者是英国平装版。我读的是英国版,没看过美国版,不确定出版社有没有把一些英式俚语改成美式英语。较贵的版本字体和行距会比较便宜的哪个版本读起来舒服些。另外,原版书平装版的无论是装订和纸质都相当简约的,下面有同学说此书是盗版,实在是冤枉了。
这是一部有文笔,有内容,有野心的小说,可读性很强(我花了五个晚上看完),有很多闪光点,也有糟点,不过不失为一部好书。有人把作者和Nicolas Sparks比较,我觉得,这个作者还是要高出那么一点点的。
我很喜欢这个版本的one day,简单但是亲切,质量什么的都不错。就是亚马逊送货的时候个人觉得过于简单,现在国内物流这么不规范,这样会有损商品品质,希望亚马逊要改进包装盒物流的质量,谢谢
Ahhh...the joy of reading about two people being miserable for twenty years...
Well yes, there's that, however One Day is a very well written and a compelling read that will keep you up into the wee hours of the morning. I kept reading about this one and the premise sounded intriguing so I had to give it a try. The book follows Dexter and Emma for a span of twenty years, telling the story of where they are in their lives on one day ~ July 15 ~ every year. From everything I had heard (and read in the gazillion blurbs,) I expected this to be a love story, and while Emma does yearn to "rest":"be with Dexter, love story it is not. What it is instead is a tale of lives misspent on bad decisions and two people who never quite figured out how to be happy.<br /><br />One Day starts out twenty years ago, the morning after Dexter and Emma have hooked up. They've just graduated from college and their "real lives" are about to begin. Emma is idealistic and has harbored a crush on Dexter for a while. Dexter...well, Dexter doesn't seem to care very deeply about anything. They go their separate ways but remain friends over the years.He eventually gets a job as a Howard Stern like TV host and Emma begins working in a Mexican restaurant but dreams of writing. His life is a rapid descent into drinking, drugs, and sleeping with EVERY woman he crosses paths with. I found it really hard to have any sympathy for his character and to tell the truth, I kept hoping something awful would happen to him to make him wake up and quit being such an ass. But even when bad things did happen to him, he continued on with his selfish, self-destructive ways. Emma's life meanwhile is quiet and plods along slowly (marked by her own share of really bad decisions."
书必须是精品,每天花个一两小时,两个星期就刷完了,感觉意犹未尽,还想再品味一番.....个人认为并不存在什么正版盗版的问题,的确书页和大部分原版书比要偏白,但和lord of flies也差不多,只是因为出版社不一样罢了,纸依旧是国外流行的环保纸毋庸置疑。。行距确实偏小,但字体和大部分原版书比如gone with the win, moonstone, the great gatsby, one flew over cockoo's nest等等比都要偏大很多,看着很舒服。不过语言并没有想象中的容易,难度略高于SAT吧,主要是英式幽默有时候难以理解。总体来说书非常赞,电影和书也是步调一致,如果英语不是特别在行的可以先看电影再看书,会有很大帮助
one day是最爱的电影没有之一
"可能我就是喜欢 喜欢一个人很久 或者 喜欢被一个人喜欢很久 但没有他喜欢我那么喜欢他 但还是喜欢
喜欢一个人很久的人还是喜欢那个他喜欢的人 或者 没有那么喜欢喜欢了他那么久的人 却还是放不下那个 喜欢了他很久的人 还欢喜的去找他
one day 在我眼中不是 一天 不是各种形式 翻阅的日历后讲述的 那么一天
one day 在我心中是 有那么一天 我喜欢你 有那么一天 我们会在一起 one day we will be together 的one day"
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