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The World Atlas of Coffee: From beans to brewing - coffees explored, explained and enjoy | |||
The World Atlas of Coffee: From beans to brewing - coffees explored, explained and enjoy |
Coffee has never been better, ormore interesting, than it is today. Coffee producers have access tomore varieties and techniques than ever before and we, asconsumers, can share in that expertise to make sure the coffee wedrink is the best we can find. Where coffee comes from, how it washarvested, the roasting process and the water used to make the breware just a few of the factors that influence the taste of what wedrink. Champion barista and coffee roaster James Hoffmann examinesthese key factors, looking at varieties of coffee, the influence ofterroir, how it is harvested and processed, the roasting methodsused, through to the way in which the beans are brewed. Country bycountry - from Bolivia to Zambia - he then identifies keycharacteristics and the methods that determine the quality of thatcountry's output. Along the way we learn about everything from thedevelopment of the espresso machine, to why strength guides onsupermarket coffee are really not good news. This is the first bookto chart the coffee production of over 35 countries, encompassingknowledge never previously published outside the coffee industry.For everyone who wants to understand more about coffee and itswonderful nuances and possibilities, this is the book tohave.
Coffee has never been better, ormore interesting, than it is today. Coffee producers have access tomore varieties and techniques than ever before and we, asconsumers, can share in that expertise to make sure the coffee wedrink is the best we can find. Where coffee comes from, how it washarvested, the roasting process and the water used to make the breware just a few of the factors that influence the taste of what wedrink. Champion barista and coffee roaster James Hoffmann examinesthese key factors, looking at varieties of coffee, the influence ofterroir, how it is harvested and processed, the roasting methodsused, through to the way in which the beans are brewed. Country bycountry - from Bolivia to Zambia - he then identifies keycharacteristics and the methods that determine the quality of thatcountry's output. Along the way we learn about everything from thedevelopment of the espresso machine, to why strength guides onsupermarket coffee are really not good news. This is the first bookto chart the coffee production of over 35 countries, encompassingknowledge never previously published outside the coffee industry.For everyone who wants to understand more about coffee and itswonderful nuances and possibilities, this is the book tohave.
网友对The World Atlas of Coffee: From beans to brewing - coffees explored, explained and enjoy的评论
与coffee obsession 差不多同时到达,本着好东西留到最后的心理,先看了coffee obsession。
再读the world atlas of coffee,开始实际上有点“审美”疲劳的意思,两本书的架构太过接近,都可以算作半半式结构,承袭大多数咖啡书籍的架构,半篇来写“从种子到杯子”,半篇或为“配方”、或为“产地简介”,obsession属于前者(“配方”),atlas属于后者(“产地”),从个人喜好上来说,中意后者。
内容,虽然不能出彩,但是也不会令人失望,仔细读来,还是能够有所得,对自己的咖啡认知的补充。这里的所得,更多是来自于作"rest":"者的行业经验的丰富。能够有所得,大约还是来自作者这位咖啡前辈经验更丰富、视野更开阔。有所得,更多的是关于咖啡行业的一些细节和产业链上的完整认知,而不是某个环节上的深度知识。<br />重点还是在内容的广度上,而不是深度。<br /><br />内容上,还可以称赞的,是描述的细致程度。以产地简介部分为例,这本world atlas可以算是目前市面上现有书籍中比较精细的一本了,涉及到每个产区,都有该国咖啡历史及产业发展概况的介绍,然后是清晰直观的产区分布图,以及主要产区的介绍。相对特别的要算,主要产区的介绍更加贴合精品咖啡背景下的描述习惯,简明扼要的标注了海拔、品种这样确切有效的信息,从这样的细节上也算是能够显示本书的新番作风。<br />就产地简介来说,比较特别的是关于印度和越南的介绍,这在现有书籍中是比较少见的。<br /><br />就书籍本身而言,肯定会有收获,有阅读价值,值得推荐。<br /><br />另,obsession和atlas两本书的作者是共同创业的合伙人,前者作者Anette是2007年世界咖啡杯评赛事冠军,后者也就是本书作者是2007年世界咖啡师大赛冠军,二人夺冠后共同成立了square mill coffee roasters,公司业务涵盖咖啡烘焙、咖啡器具销售、咖啡培训、咖啡商业咨询等。了解到两本书的这一层渊源,再来细读这两本书,难免会有文字之外的感触。"
James Hoffmann是世界咖啡师冠军,也是深刻影响业界发展方向的领军人物之一。这本书作为从业人员和爱好者都是必备的一本参考书,咖啡的树种,采收处理方式和主要产区的特点都有介绍。
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