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A Street Cat Named Bob: How one man and his cat found hope on the streets | |||
A Street Cat Named Bob: How one man and his cat found hope on the streets |
The phenomenal Number One bestseller about best friends James and Bob. Soon to be a major motion picture starring Luke Treadaway.
When James Bowen found an injured, ginger street cat curled up in the hallway of his sheltered accommodation, he had no idea just how much his life was about to change. James was living hand to mouth on the streets of London and the last thing he needed was a pet.
Yet James couldn't resist helping the strikingly intelligent tom cat, whom he quickly christened Bob. He slowly nursed Bob back to health and then sent the cat on his way, imagining he would never see him again. But Bob had other ideas.
Soon the two were inseparable and their diverse, comic and occasionally dangerous adventures would transform both their lives, slowly healing the scars of each other's troubled pasts.
A Street Cat Named Bob is a moving and uplifting story that will touch the heart of anyone who reads it.
An instantly bestselling memoir that, beside its heart-warming tale of their friendship, offers an insight into the injustice of life on the streets that's by turns frustrating and life-affirming. (The Times)
A heartwarming tale with a message of hope. (Daily Mail)
A true story and ideal for anyone like me who's a bit mad when it comes to felines. (Glamour)
James Bowen is a street musician in London. He found Bob the cat in 2007 and the pair have been inseparable ever since.
网友对A Street Cat Named Bob: How one man and his cat found hope on the streets的评论
本以为只是一本萌猫书 结果比那深刻得多 James讲述了他遇见Bob前的灰暗人生 也描述了Bob给他的生活带来的意想不到的变化 在看这书以前 从没想过街头流浪汉都是怎么看待生活的 也没意识到他们经历着怎样痛苦绝望与困境 James很难能可贵地并没有神化Bob或抬高自己的生活 只是实事求是地叙述了他的观察与感受 看着他从谷底到光明的人生 自己也备受温暖鼓舞与启发 书中的描写与思考都是那么的细致入微活灵活现 让人觉得趣味盎然又若有所思 大赞!
书的内容很喜欢,但个人认为 不是正版,因为信任才到这里购买,没想到纸质太差,两本书还没一本书的重量,我一直支持正版图书,怎么也得尊重作者尊重买家吧、差评差评,从没这么认真的打过评论。
just express yourself honestly and make it possible to have our own story, not fiction ones, how long it will take for a man growing mature and strong. the different ideas to animal between western and oriental can be showed in this book.
刚拿到书,内容先不提,咱就说说这书的质量。书脊压塌了一块先放在一边不说。我在网上看到这本书介绍的时候,英文简介里明明是有图片的,这本书里没有。所以想在书中一睹bob芳容的就自行绕路吧!除此之外,再说说纸质。咱要是就花个十块二十块的夜市买本盗版山寨A货,咱真不好意思在这叽叽歪歪的吐槽。把书翻开一看真心乐了。我印卷子给学生考试都拿洁白的,注意,是洁白的纸,这可好,整本书纸质暗黄粗糙,擤个鼻子都嫌磨得慌,感情外国人的环保意识都用在咱天朝子民身上了。我特意拿跟它页数相同的春上村树的『斯普特尼克恋人』做了对比,重量完全不同。这是在体恤瘦弱读者怕我们拿不动吗?我以前还总跟朋友说,不要对书的质量太挑剔,内容才是无价的。但好歹一百多块钱花出去了,这个结果真是open 了my heart,开了我的心啊!想把这本书买回家珍藏的亲可要三思啊,要么您就是有钱任性,要么您千万别长一颗玻璃心。啥不说了,流泪看书去!
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