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American Accent Training Book | |||
American Accent Training Book |
This new and expanded third edition of " American Accent Training " with 5 new audio CDs has four all-new chapters that cover the psychology of accent acquisition, American voice quality, a pronunciation overview, and an ESL instructor's guide. The new CDs feature professional male and female voices that have been carefully selected to represent that perfect American accent. With 30 years of extensive research, the unique AAT methodology has been refined to teach the American sound quickly and easily, paying special attention to:
Voice quality, with emphasis on accurate presentation of the authentic American sound Pronunciation, with attention to all vowels, consonants, blends, and diphthongs Intonation, which focuses on syllable stress rules and word stress in a sentence Linking, or liaisons between phonetically transcribed sounds so students can "see" the sound
" American Accent Training " also offers detailed nationality guides for ten languages and accent variations: Chinese, Japanese, Indian, Spanish, French, German, Russian, Korean, Arabic, and the US Southern accent. Added features include access to comprehensive websites, and referral to a qualified telephone analyst for individual help. "American Accent Training" has been Americanizing the speaking habits of students and business people since 1991. Going where no accent book has gone before, AAT continues to set the standard for anyone learning or teaching the American accent.
网友对American Accent Training Book的评论
书刚拿到时有点小失望,因为确实非常薄,只有200来页,毕竟是我买过最贵的一本书。书里带着5张CD,里面全是音频,不能直接复制出来,要用windows media player的翻录功能翻成mp3格式。但是,,,,,这又怎样?我现在跟着音频粗看到第11章,真的感觉跟以前的口语书完全不一样,详细的从每一条发音规则说起。现在回过头来看,倒觉得很值。其实在此之前,我已经读了一年半的新概念英语,跟着录音读,每天早上一小时,自我感觉良好,最后听自己录音的时候才发现还是挫的跟屎一样,原来一直还是在跟着自己的路数走。所以现在果断停了新概念,想把这本书粗读一遍然后再听录音模仿,最后再收拾掉剩下的新概念。
The book is clear to be understood because of its systematic and scientific organization.It's useful for one not only to learn best american accent but also to build up his or her confidence in English.I like it very much.I assure you it's really worth your spending.
This is a great book cuz it's pure American Accent!And the listening episodes are just so fun!You'll never get bored!The only problem is that it may be too easy in some aspects!
书稍微有点 贵,但绝对 原装进口。5张CD,音质很好。本来口语就是美音,但不够地道。通过这本书的学习,希望达到美国人的发音水平。。。正努力学习中。。。对英语基础中上,但发音不够理想的美式口语学习者,强烈推荐!
书很好,audio cds也很好,个人认为4-6级英语的同学使用比较合适,里面的内容讲解的很清楚,说话时哪里可以重音读,哪里可以轻音读,例句很多,刚刚才入手,只看了只篇,但觉得内容很不错,有些生词,但不难理解,都能猜出来,自己还是用铅笔标记起来。它是以全篇朗读型的,练习部分的没有朗读。
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