Upon publication in 1997, The Norton Shakespeare set a new standard for teaching editions of Shakespeare's complete works.
Instructors and students worldwide welcomed the fresh scholarship, lively and accessible introductions, helpful marginal glosses and notes, readable single-column format, all designed in support of the goal of the Oxford text: to bring the modern reader closer than before possible to Shakespeare's plays as they were first acted. Now, under Stephen Greenblatt's direction, the editors have considered afresh each introduction and all of the apparatus to make the Second Edition an even better teaching tool. 作者简介Stephen Greenblatt (Ph.D. Yale) is Cogan University Professor of the Humanities at Harvard University. Also General Editor of The Norton Anthology of English Literature, he is the author of eleven books, including The Swerve: How the World Became Modern (winner of the 2011 National Book Award and the 2012 Pulitzer Prize); Shakespeare's Freedom; Will in the World: How Shakespeare Became Shakespeare; Hamlet in Purgatory; Marvelous Possessions: The Wonder of the New World; Learning to Curse: Essays in Early Modern Culture; and Renaissance Self-Fashioning: From More to Shakespeare. He has edited seven collections of criticism, including Cultural Mobility: A Manifesto, and is a founding coeditor of the journal Representations. His honors include the MLA’s James Russell Lowell Prize, for both Shakespearean Negotiations: The Circulation of Social Energy in Renaissance England and The Swerve, the Sapegno Prize, the Distinguished Humanist Award from the Mellon Foundation, the Wilbur Cross Medal from the Yale University Graduate School, the William Shakespeare Award for Classical Theatre, the Erasmus Institute Prize, two Guggenheim Fellowships, and the Distinguished Teaching Award from the University of California, Berkeley. He was president of the Modern Language Association of America and is a fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, the American Philosophical Society, and the American Academy of Arts and Letters.
Walter Cohen (Ph.D. Berkeley) is Professor of English at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, and Professor of Comparative Literature Emeritus at Cornell University, where he received the Clark Distinguished Teaching Award. He is the author of Drama of a Nation: Public Theater in Renaissance England and Spain, as well as numerous journal articles on Renaissance literature, literary criticism, the history of the novel, and world literature. He has recently completed a critical study entitled A History of European Literature: The West and the World from Antiquity to the Present.
Jean E. Howard (Ph.D., Yale) is the George Delacorte Professor in the Humanities at Columbia University. A past president of the Shakespeare Association of America, she is the author of numerous books on Renaissance drama, including Shakespeare’s Art of Orchestration: Stage Technique and Audience Response (1984), The Stage and Social Struggle (1994), Engendering a Nation: A Feminist Account of Shakespeare’s English Histories, with Phyllis Rackin (1997), Theater of a City: The Places of London Comedy 1598–1642 (2007), and Marx and Shakespeare with Crystal Bartolovich (2012). She is at work on a book about the English history play from Shakespeare to Caryl Churchill and another on the invention of Renaissance tragedy.
Katharine Eisaman Maus (Ph.D. Johns Hopkins) is James Branch Cabell Professor of English at the University of Virginia. She is the author of Being and Having in Shakespeare; Inwardness and Theater in the English Renaissance; and Ben Jonson and the Roman Frame of Mind; editor of a volume of Renaissance tragedies; and coeditor of English Renaissance Drama: A Norton Anthology, The Norton Anthology of English Literature, and a collection of criticism on seventeenth-century English poetry. She has been awarded Guggenheim, Leverhulme, NEH, and ACLS fellowships, and the Roland Bainton Prize for Inwardness and Theater.
网友对The Norton Shakespeare: Based on the Oxford Edition (Second Edition) (Vol. One-Volume Clothbound)(两种封面随机发货)的评论
97年一版五印,文本采用权威的牛津版,有争议的李尔王三个版本都包括在内。订的时候不知道textbook binding到底是什么装订,拿到后发现是精装。前面有70多页的总介,后面附一篇莎士比亚当时剧院情况的论文。注释繁简得当(想看特细注解的最好找单行本,阿登版首选),难词一部分注在同行的右侧,一部分放在脚注,不用来回翻,方便阅读。字体大小适中,不像wordsworth的单卷本,字小得没法看。缺点一是纸极薄,翻看时得小心,再就是沉。但80多能买到原版的莎士比亚全集无论如何超值,推荐。
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朋友送给过我一套软皮封面的莎士比亚全集,装帧虽然很好,但是存在两个缺点:一是字小,二是没有注释,这后一条十分关键。所以我又买了卓越亚马逊的这个版本,收到后感觉十分开心,这个版本有权威的注释,这一点太重要了,排版也十分好,看起来十分舒服。138元不贵啊。有的朋友说纸张很薄,我觉得这正是这种Norton 的书的优点,所谓圣经纸,否则你想想看,纸要是厚了,还不得起码分个上下册啊。我以前曾经买过Norton 的美国文学选集和英国文学选集,也是这种上好的纸,这种纸虽然薄,其实很有韧劲的,你如果把书翻破了,那么如果不是夸张的话,那就更是物有所值了。这本书送货也是奇快,好像是躺在库房里等着,一有订单就发货似的。心情大好,赶快来说两句和朋友们分享愉快!
刚刚看到网友的评论。转眼就不见了。因为评论是负面的就删除,这不是商家应该的做法,而是“伟光正”的心态,就是为了几个钱,卓越如此没有信用真让人齿冷。卓越以前的定价并且让买家可以预定完全就是估算潜在买家让后觉得是否进货。因为它可以不守诚信 所以。。。。
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In conclusion,仅仅是学习对版本要求不高有有点银子的话还是挺不错的。
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