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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, 5/e (Paperback & DVD Rom) | |||
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, 5/e (Paperback & DVD Rom) |
The Longman Dictionary of Contempory English (new edition) the most comprehensive dictionary and DVD-ROM ever.
Includes:230,000 words, phrases and meanings more than any other advanced learners dictionary 165,000 examples based on real, natural English from the Longman Corpus Network + an additional 1 million corpus examples on the DVD-ROM. Clear definitions written using only 2,000 common words. Over 18,000 synonyms, antonyms and related words + an additional 30,000 on the DVD-ROM. Over 65,000 collocations + an additional 82,000 on the DVD-ROM. The top 3,000 most frequent words in spoken and written English are highlighted to show which are the most important to know. NEW Integrated Collocations Dictionary. Over 65,000 collocations will improve students fluency. NEW Integrated Thesaurus. Over 18,000 synonyms, antonyms and related words will improve vocabulary range. NEW Register Notes focus on the differences between spoken and written English. Academic Word List highlighted. Grammar and warning notes ensure that students avoid common errors. NEW text design ensures students can find information fast.
The Longman Vocabulary Trainer tests your knowledge of a word its meaning, grammar, collocation and usage then remembers how well you know that word. The word is then recycled and retested at different intervals so the word is never forgotten!
You can download the Longman Vocabulary Trainer to your mobile phone to make the most of learning on the go!
The Longman Dictionary of Contempory English (new edition) the most comprehensive dictionary and DVD-ROM ever.
Includes:230,000 words, phrases and meanings more than any other advanced learners dictionary 165,000 examples based on real, natural English from the Longman Corpus Network + an additional 1 million corpus examples on the DVD-ROM. Clear definitions written using only 2,000 common words. Over 18,000 synonyms, antonyms and related words + an additional 30,000 on the DVD-ROM. Over 65,000 collocations + an additional 82,000 on the DVD-ROM. The top 3,000 most frequent words in spoken and written English are highlighted to show which are the most important to know. NEW Integrated Collocations Dictionary. Over 65,000 collocations will improve students fluency. NEW Integrated Thesaurus. Over 18,000 synonyms, antonyms and related words will improve vocabulary range. NEW Register Notes focus on the differences between spoken and written English. Academic Word List highlighted. Grammar and warning notes ensure that students avoid common errors. NEW text design ensures students can find information fast.
The Longman Vocabulary Trainer tests your knowledge of a word its meaning, grammar, collocation and usage then remembers how well you know that word. The word is then recycled and retested at different intervals so the word is never forgotten!
You can download the Longman Vocabulary Trainer to your mobile phone to make the most of learning on the go!
网友对Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, 5/e (Paperback & DVD Rom)的评论
跟踪这部词典很久了,价格降到101的时候就把它拿下了,这四颗星全部是给这部词典内容的,因为真的很棒,除了正文以外还有很多简单实用的东西,比如How numbers are spoken,Weights and measures等等,除了内容几乎无可挑剔以外,其他的小问题还是很多的:第一,卓越的物流配送,这么厚的一本书居然只用个纸袋一包就送来了,配送途中磕磕碰碰是在所难免的,还好没有大的损坏;第二,词典在送来之前应该是有人翻过或用过,因为封皮都有折痕了;第三,词典里边没有定价,虽然在前边有行小字说是印刷于意大利,但这个版本应该是国内复印的;其他的呢,比如说有个边角有被刀切得痕迹,裁边有一点点不整齐,还好都没有严重到不可接受。CD光盘还没来得及用。总的来说,内容很好,瑕不掩瑜。最让人诟病的就是卓越的包装了,如果弄个纸盒子,再用充气袋保护一下该多好!
经过这几天的仔细翻阅,再来补充一下评论,我一直觉得第四版的朗文当代英语辞典就已经很不错了,但实际上这本要比第四版的还要好很多,它的好主要体现在内容上,这本是第五版,收词更丰富,前者是10.6万词条,第五版是23万词条,内容更丰富,此外此版在排版上更赏心悦目,更清晰明了,字体也要比第四版大一点点。如果你像我一样把两本都都收入囊中就不必多说了,但如果二选一的话,还是建议入手这本,除了辞典本身的内容无可挑剔以外,CD光盘里边的内容也"rest":"是极其强大的。建议把它加入心愿单,等着降价,我就是在降到101块时果断出手的,毕竟购买第四版也花了我99块啊!<br /><br />—————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————时间过得好快,今天翻着以前的那些订单,这本书正好是一年前订购的,这一年来一直在用,再补充一点使用心得吧,主要说下光盘,光盘第一次安装到电脑以后直接把它扔了都行,因为下次直接在电脑上点开就可以使用了,界面特别人性化,共分作12个版块,并且每个词条都提供英美两种真人发音,不可思议的是连例句也有真人朗读,自从装上电脑以后,纸质的就收藏起来了,偶尔也会从书柜抽出来看看,不是为了查单词,而是感受一下她散发出来的那股淡淡的芬芳,在我收藏的近百本词典里,她是我最喜欢的词典之一"
写着Printed in Italy by Rotolito Lombarda S.P.A的,居然不是海龟啊!但是意大利人也不接力(怪不得二战时意军要气死盟友),隔几十页就有因为页边缩进去、叠到一起裁边裁不到的情况,外表看不出来,翻到那一页就看出来了。问题不大,懒得计较,朋友说没关系。其他没什么问题,挺精美的。印刷还是我的牛高好,中国印的!
牛津美版的解释是:remaining as the last small part of something that used to exist:
〉vestigial traces of an"rest":" earlier culture<br /> 〉It is possible to see the vestigial remains of rear legs on some whales.<br />朗文的解释是:<br />1 technical a vestigial part of the body has never developed completely or has almost disappeared :<br /> 〉The legs of snakes are vestigial or absent altogether.<br />2 formal remaining as a sign that something existed after most of it has gone :<br /> 〉his vestigial sense of pride<br />两本词典总体比较,我个人觉得牛高90分,朗文95分。不过两本都是好词典啊!<br />230,000 words, phrases, and meanings,噱头吹得天响,其实词汇不见得比Little Oxford English Dcitionary (LOD)多,LOD只是英国定位于中学生的词典。估计LDOCE5词汇也就在4万上下(除去派生、简单合成词,剩下还有1.5万不?一个sale一眼看下来,有sale, saleable, saleroom, sales assistant, salesclerk, salesgirl, salesman, salesmanship, salesperson, sales representative, sales slip, sales tax, saleswoman一堆!)。"
卖给我二手书,二手书!!!差不多200的书居然是被用过的,真不敢相信,我看到字典上 手写笔记的时候,我还以为是我眼花了!!可是它实实在 在的在哪里写着“商标”二字,还有ampersand的音标。刚拿到书时我还庆幸,书没有什么破损,不像其他评论里的那么糟糕,立马给字典包上书皮,裹了三层,因为不是精装,害怕用着用着就散了。今天才知道“坑爹”不是没有啊!!不过客服态度很好,刚才看到客服给我的账户发了一个订单,说预计7月11号到,不过卓越朗文词典的页面显示通常需要1-2个月发货。,我很担心,没货了,或者又来一个有破损的。我该是等等看吧,等到书再说。
我真的很失望,很郁闷,很生气,为了省80多元,来来回回折腾这10几天,真不值,以后像这种这么贵的工具书我是不会在卓越买了!!"rest":"<br /><br />前几天在亚马逊英文网站上看到,商品会标明是否Used,价格也会有区分,可是卓越呢,欺骗顾客!!本人也折腾不起了!!!<br /><br />看到新换的书,心情就不好!!!"
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