This is one of the rare books that has influenced presidents, CEOs, educators, and individuals all over the world not only to improve their businesses and careers but to live with integrity, service, dignity, and success in all areas of life. It has had an undeniable impact for the past 25 years--and will no doubt continue to be influential for many more.
"Every so often a book comes along that not only alters the lives of readers but leaves an imprint on the culture itself. The 7 Habits is one of those books." --Daniel Pink, author of Drive and To Sell Is Human
"The 7 Habits encompass timeless principles that can help guide any company toward success." --Tony Hsieh, New York Times bestselling author of Delivering Happiness and CEO of, Inc. "No person lasts forever, but books and ideas can endure. Stephen R. Covey's life is done, but his work is not. It continues, right here in this book as alive today as when first written." --Jim Collins "Twenty-five years after it first appeared, the wisdom of The 7 Habits is more relevant than ever. On an individual level people are burning out, and on a collective level we are burning up the planet. So Dr. Covey's emphasis on self-renewal, and his understanding that leadership and creativity require us to tap into our own physical, mental, and spiritual resources, are exactly what we need now." --Arianna Huffington ABOUT THE AUTHOR 网友对The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change (25th Anniversary Edition)的评论 我是在男朋友的影响下阅读这本书的。 我向来对美国人的自救书抱有鄙夷的态度,但是这本书却让我态度转变。我几乎是从头到尾一字不漏地把整本书读完。感受有很多,启发也有很多。更重要的是,阅读这本书的过程中,我和男友时常交流心得启发,也让我们彼此了解了对方的人生观和价值观。 说一下纸张问题. 很多人评论说纸张不好,像盗版的. 实际上国外出版的日常阅读书籍都是用的这种轻质环保再生纸,排版也比较密集,虽然纸面略显粗糙,但是非常轻便,也便于平时携带, 符合他们随身带本书阅读的习惯. 反观国内出版的书,大部分都是纸张精美,排版空旷,一本书内容没多少,但是分量十足,根本就没考虑过如何随身携带阅读,纯粹是为书架设计的. 08年奥运会后,我认真拜读了史蒂芬柯维的中文版《高效能人士的七个习惯》,受益匪浅,重新塑造了自己的思维地图,建立了积极乐观的原则,立志反求诸己由内而外。它就是我的启蒙老师!曾经在西单图书大厦的地下一层发现过US版的,但因为当时英语能力有限,再加上价格甚贵,最终没有购买。后来有在网上下载过完整版的《The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People》,放在iTouch里面如是珍宝,但总觉得看着太委屈。今天,我终于收到了在卓越订购的此书,感觉非常棒,终于可以直接拜读Steven R.Covey大师的原著了,甚欢! 纸张的质量感觉很糙。。。 书的内容不错。只是经过对比美国亚马逊的原版价格和另外已一个出售英文原版书的网站,发现人家都五折。。。。 书是好书,不用我过加评述,但为什么印刷质量那么差,纸张质量也不好,跟地摊上卖的盗版的差不多 拿到手随便翻了翻,印刷的油墨很差,用手一擦,书页就一团黑!有几页已经字迹模糊了 All these 7 habits are meaningful to me in some way as I realized I have some problems in these habits. 和该书的中文版相比,纸张质量很差,且价高。 太贵 ,纸张太差。盗版的一样。。
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Dr. Stephen R. Covey (1932-2012) was a world-renowned authority on leadership and family relations. He held a Bachelor of Science from the University of Utah, an MBA from Harvard, and a PhD from Brigham Young University. Dr. Covey served as Vice Chairman of FranklinCovey Co., and was an in-demand speaker, teacher, and organizational consultant. Throughout his career, Dr. Covey brought new insight and understanding to millions of readers and students.
1. Effective (本质) 不是 Efficient (表面). 我曾错误理解作者用意,甚至还未阅读就已下了定论 - 一本教会你怎么快速成功的书。其实完全不是!如果仔细阅读就会发现,作者一再强调他要说的不是quick fix或者short cut。他要教会的是怎样从本质/内在发生改变。一种inside-out的变化,才能是最有效的进步。从长远来看,其实才是真捷径。
2. 现在我常反思我要过怎样的一种生活,什么是有意义的可持续的生活?我的启发是:a fulfiling life with integrit. 一种自我满足的内外一致的生活。从马斯洛的分层来看是精神层面的满足,自我认同,被尊重,有价值的满足。这些满足来自工作,他人的关系,和对社会的贡献。内外一致,从小处看,就是做自己喜欢做的事,不勉强自己。从深处看,就是自己的价值关和外在体现一致。这样的生活让人觉得喜悦。但是这样生活不是说有就有的,要修炼自省,时刻微调。
Completing this book, I will soon write down what I need to rescript.