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  The famous psychologist Sigmund Freud had once put great emphesis on the importance of a person's childhood, to put aside the the academic debate, I think whether a person spends the crucial couple of childhood years in a happy-go-lucky way has a lot to do with his or her later life psychologically . For example, a child who was maltreated when in his or her childhood may be under the shade in the adult life, which has been proved either experimentally or emperically. As a matter of fact,these examples are defying enumeration.

  On the other hand, the period of childhood is a very vital stage for the child to grow up physically,because at this special stage, the main orgens of the body and their functions beign to develop and become mature gradually and this stage matters a lot regarding laying a sound foundation for the teenage stage and the later adult stage.

  Thus, we, if as parents, should develop a happy atmosphere for our children to make sure they spend this very special period in a safe and happy way; we, if as children,should live a happy way ourselves. Do remember this several childhood years are the most crucial years of a person's life psychologically and physically!
