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  How Americans Live Today': Fake North Korean Propaganda Video Punks The Internet

  An English-dubbed version of an apparent North Korean propaganda video that went viral online this week turned out to be a big joke.

  The video, titled "How Americans Live Today," features an English voiceover purportedly translating the original Korean narration. The phony translation describes hyperbolic scenes of Americans being forced to live in tents and eating melted snow in order to survive.

  The man behind the farce? British travel writer Alun Hill, who doesn't speak a word of Korean. Hill told The Huffington Post over the phone Wednesday that he received the original video from North Korea's official Korean Central News Agency, which said it depicts the failure of European democracy.

  Hill pointed out that this shot from the propaganda video is actually of a train station called Gara De Nord, in Bucharest, Romania.
  希尔指出,宣传片实际上拍的是罗马尼亚首都布拉勒斯特的一个火车站,一处叫作Gara De Nord的地方。

  Although Hill's version was published by a range of media sites, including Mediaite,Wired, BuzzFeed, The Week, Slate, The Daily Caller, Yahoo, Telegraph and The Washington Post, it seems none of them traced it back to Hill's YouTube page.

  There, Hill clearly titled the video "North Korea Comedy Show: How Americans Live Today, Survive By Eating Birds And Snow." The video is also listed in the "Comedy" and "Entertainment" sections on YouTube, rather than as "News."
  在他的主页上,这段视频的标题清楚地写着“朝鲜喜剧秀:当今美国人民的生活,靠食鸟饮雪生存”。这段视频也被分在了YouTube主站的“喜剧”、“娱乐” 列表下,而不是“新闻”。

  There were plenty of other warning signs.
