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  划线词的意思是“展示,展览”,C项意为“展示,表明”,例:Her laziness showed in her exam results.她平时的惰性从她的考试成绩可以看得出来。A项意为“玩;播放”,例:I could hear music playing on the radio.我听到收音机里演奏着音乐。B项意为“发送”,例:She sent me a Christmas card.她给我寄来一张圣诞贺卡。D项意为“讲(述),告诉;吩咐;认出;显示;生效”,例:I always tell my daughter a story before she goes to sleep.女儿睡觉之前,我总讲故事给她听。


  划线词的意思是“永恒的,永久的”,B项意为“不停的,无限的”,例:I’m tired of your never—ending complaints.我听腻了你那没完没了的抱怨。A项意为“长(期)的(地);渴望”,例:We have,however,a rather long way to go.我们仍然还有好多路要走。C项意为“令人厌烦的,无聊的”,例:He’s likeable enough,but a bit boring.他挺讨人喜欢,就是有点无聊。D项意为“广大的,广阔的;广泛的”,例:The teacher had both extensive knowledge and profound scholarship.老师的学问博大精深。


  划线词的意思是“广大的,巨大的”,D项意为“巨大的,庞大的”,例:Their sitting room was enormous.他们的起居室很大。A项意为“自然的,正常的”,例:It is natural that such a hardworking student should Pass the exam.这么用功的学生考试及格是很自然的事。B项意为“致命的,灾难性的;重大的,决定性的”,例:Fatal accidents have decreased in frequency over recent years.近年来死亡事故发生的频率已经下降。C项意为“微小的”,例:A tiny fishing boat was drifting slowly along.一只小小的渔船在缓缓地漂去。


  划线词的意思是“影响”,B项意为“影响”,例:Listening to the music has a calming influence on her.听音乐对她起了一种镇静的作用。A项意为“军队;暴力;强迫;用力推动”,例:The moral force is on our side.道义的力量在我们一边。C项意为“惊奇”,例:What a surprise! 真是出人意料的事!D项意为“力量,能力”,例:She lost her power of speech.她失去了说话的能力。


  划线词的意思是“高兴的;使人感到愉快的”,A项意为“令人愉快的”,例:The walk was very pleasant.那次散步很愉快。B项意为“多姿多彩的”,例:He gave a colorful account of life in Samoa.他生动地叙述了萨摩亚群岛上的生活。C项意为“时尚的”,例:It became fashionable for the rich to winter in the sun.在阳光充足的地方过冬成了富人的时尚。D项意为“不同的”,例:My husband has several shirts of different colors.我丈夫有好几件颜色不同的衬衫。


  划线词的意思为“符合条件的,合格的”,C项意为“有资格的”,与划线词意思相近,例:He is a qualified scientist.他是个合格的科学家。故选C。A项意为“有竞争力的”,例:A competitive person loves to win and hates to lose.竞争心强的人喜欢赢讨厌输。B项意为“勤奋的”,例:John is more diligent than anyone else in his class.约翰比班上其他的同学用功。D项意为“能胜任的”,例:He is competent enough to fill

  that position.他足以胜任那职位。


  划线词的意思是“描绘,描述”,C项意为“描写,描述”,例:The police asked me to describe exactly how it happened.警察让我描述一下这事是怎样发生的。A项意为“写”,例:I have to write an essay for next week’s seminar.我要为下周的讨论会写一篇文章。B项意为“写生;速写;为……绘草图”,例:He sketched the coal miner in a few minutes.他几分钟就画了一幅那位煤矿工人的素描。D项意为“表明”,例:Research indicates that men find it easier to give up smoking than women.研究表明,男人比女人更容易戒烟。


  划线词的意思是“使恼怒”,C项意为“使恼怒”,例:His mother was annoyed with him for being so rude to their neighbors.他母亲因为他对邻居如此粗暴无礼而生他的气。A项意为“戏弄”,例:Don’t take it seriously—he’s only teasing.别把它当真,他只不过是在开玩笑。B项意为“吸引”,例:The flower show attracted large crowds this year.今年的花展吸引了大批观众。D项意为“保护”,例:These rare tigers are protected by special laws.这些珍贵的老虎受到专门法律的保护。


  划线词的意思是“荒谬的”,A项意为“荒谬的,可笑的”,例:Who made this ridiculous rule?这条荒唐的规则是谁定的?B项意为“滑稽的”,例:The story was very funny.这个故事非常可笑。C项意为“古怪的”,例:He’s an odd old man.他是个古怪的老头儿。D项意为“有趣的”,例:There is an interesting program on television tonight.今天晚上的电视有一个有趣的节目。


  划线词的意思是“通知”,A项意为“通知”,与划线词意思一致,例:Please inform me by letter of your plans.请来信把你的计划告诉我。B项意为“观察”,例:The police have been observing his movements.警方一直监视着他的一举一动。C项意为“嘲笑”,例:We should not mock at other people’s religious beliefs.我们不应该嘲笑别人的宗教信仰。D项意为“误导”,例:We were misled by the guide.向导给我们引错了路。


  划线词的意思是“分配,分派,把……拨给”,A项意为“指派;分配”,例:Jack was assigned to the assembly shop of the factory.杰克被分配到厂里的装配间工作。B项意为“说服”,例:The salesman persuaded us to buy his product.那个推销员说服我们买他的产品。C项意为“询问;请求”,例:I have asked some friends for tea.我请了一些朋友来喝茶。D项意为“命令”,例:The chairman ordered silence.主席要大家安静。


  划线词的意思是“贫瘠的”。B项意为“光秃的”,与划线词意思相近,例:The fierce sun parched the bare earth.灼热的阳光炙烤着光秃秃的大地。A项意为“无毛发的”,例:His face is smooth and hairless.他的脸光滑无毛。C项意为“空的”,例:His room is empty.他的房间是空的。D项意为“秃头的”,例:He shaved his head bald.他剃了个光头。


  划线词的意思是“假定”。B项意为“假定,设想”,例:I assumed you can speak French fluently.我以为你能讲流利的法语。A项意为“挑战”,例:They had challenged and beaten the best team in the world.他们曾向世界上最强的球队挑战并将他们打败。C项意为“扣除,减去”,例:Nowadays income tax is normally deducted from a person’s wages.现在,所得税通常是在发工资前就已经扣除了。D项意为“判决,裁定”,例:The committee decreed the movie unsuitable for children.委员会裁定这部影片为儿童不宜片。


  划线词的意思是“遵守(坚持)”,A项意为“坚持”,例:We must stick to the principle.我们必须坚持原则。B项意为“坚持”,in表示“在……方面”,一般指坚持做某件事,后面不跟表示“原则”、“规则”、“合同”等词,例:He will persist in riding that dreadful bicycle.他执意要骑那辆破自行车。C项意为“保护,维护”,例:We must safeguard our national interests.我们必须保卫国家的利益。D项意为“申请”,例:He has applied for a post in England.他已申请在英国供职。

  15.B【解析】译文:从我的观点看,你知道,这件事太滑稽了。划线词为合成词,stand(站立)+point(点)→+standpoint(立场,观点)。B项也有“观点”的意思,可以与划线词替换,例:From my point of view,teachers are not well paid.依我看,教师们薪水不高。A项意为“位置”,例:The runners got into position on the starting line.赛跑运动员已进入起跑线上的位置。C项意为“知识”,例:Knowledge is power.知识就是力量。D项意为“观点”,但常用搭配为“in one’s opinion”,例:In my opinion,it is a very sound investment.照我的的看法,这是很可靠的投资。

  16. B  17. C  18. B  19. A 20. B

  21. A  22. C

  23. B  24. A  25. E  26. C 27. B

  28. E  29. D  30. A

  31. A  32. D  33. C  34. C  35. B

  36. D  37. B  38. A  39. C  40. B

  41. C  42. A  43. D  44. C  45. D

  46. F  47. C  48. E  49. A  50. B

  51. A  52. B  53. C  54. D  55. A

  56. B  57. D  58. A  59. C  60. D

  61. A  62. C  63. D  64. D  65. A
