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7 Offer to help – but don't beg an employer for experience

  Don't use your covering letter to tell a sob story about why you need a job to give you experience – however desperate you feel. And don't emphasise your potential – it sounds like you have nothing to offer (which isn't true). Instead, underline what you do have. Employers will hire you if they think you can help them – not because you need experience. And never offer to work for free. It looks as if you don't value your own contribution.

  7 提供帮助 - 但不求雇主经验

  不要用你的求职信来讲诉一个关于你需要一份工作来给予你经验的哽咽故事,不论你多么绝望。不用强调你的潜力 - 这听起来像你没什么可提供的(这是不正确的)。相反,强调你确实有的东西。如果他们认为你能帮助到他们,雇主就会雇用你——不是因为你需要经验。永远不要提供免费的工作。这看起来像你不珍惜自己的贡献。

  8 If it's really not working, it's time to stop doing it

  The biggest mistake graduates make is repeating one job-hunting strategy again and again before wailing. Different industries require different approaches. Have the courage to ditch what isn't working – and try something new which might. What have you got to lose?

  8 如果这真的不起作用,现在就是时候停止这样做


  9 All the experience you have gained is good experience

  Spent last summer litter-picking at Glastonbury? However lame you think your experience sounds, anything is better than nothing. "The key is to make it sound relevant for the job you're applying for," says Hawes. "Think back and see the job through the eyes of an employer. What challenges did you face and how did you overcome them? What skills did you develop? What training did you have? This is all great stuff for applications and interviews."

  9 所有你已获得的经验都是很好的经验

  去年夏天在格拉斯顿伯里拣垃圾?不论你认为你的经历听起来多逊,任何事都比没有好。 “关键是让它听起来和你申请的工作有关,”霍斯说。 “回头想想,从雇主的角度看任务的完成。你面临了什么样的挑战,你是怎么克服的?你发展了什么样的技能?你获得了什么样的培训?这对申请和面试来说都是很棒的东西。”

  10 Nobody wants to hire a robot

  Yes, be professional when you're applying for jobs, but be yourself. Stiff, robotic graduates using business buzzwords incorrectly is a big no-no for recruiters.

  10 没人愿意雇用一个机器人

