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  Prep2012-Pack1-CR-024 VCR00762 Medium

  Argument Evaluation


  The authenticity of an undocumented statue, supposed to be Greek from the sixth century B.C., is questioned. Its surface shows a uniform quality typically achieved from a chemical bath, a technique used by forgers. Thus the statue is probably a forgery.


  What point weakens the argument that the statue is a forgery? The argument that the statue is a forgery rests on one point: the statue's uniform surface suggests it may have been treated in a chemical bath used by forgers to simulate weathering. If the statue acquired its surface in some legitimate way, then the conclusion that it is not a true antiquity is weakened. If art dealers or collectors once used for esthetic reasons the same chemical baths now used by forgers for a different purpose, that fact would throw into doubt the conclusion about the statue's lack of authenticity.

  A. Since the argument is about what might make the statue a forgery, not about museums’ acquisition protocols, this statement fails to weaken the argument.

  B. Since successful forgers of antiquities might well be expected to produce a counterfeit work that typifies its supposed historical period, this statement does not affect the argument.

  C. Correct. This statement properly identifies a possible historical source of the statue's uniform surface and thus undermines the one-point argument that the statue is a forgery.

  D. This statement is not relevant to this case since the statue in question does not have patchy weathering, but rather a uniform surface.

  E. A similar example suggests that this statue, too, could be proven a forgery, so the conclusion is not weakened.

  The correct answer is C.

  Prep2012-Pack1-CR-025 VCR06878 Medium

  Evaluation of a Plan


  A manufacturer of mechanical pencils plans to produce a new pencil that accepts only the redesigned pencil leads that the company also intends to make and sell. Despite the fact that its leads are sold for a higher price than competitors’ leads, the company anticipates that this approach will generate increased lead sales.


  What point supports the plan success? It is clear that increased lead sales are directly tied to the sales and ongoing use of the new pencil that can use only that type of lead. If the new pencils sell well and then get used frequently, the buyers will need to purchase leads regularly. If thorough test marketing has shown that potential buyers find the new pencil greatly superior to use, then the pencil buyers will have to purchase the only available leads that fit their pencils, no matter whether the leads are more expensive, and the projection that sales of these pencil leads will increase is strengthened.

  A. It is not known whether the Write Company's pencil is the least expensive, nor are the lead-buying habits of first-time buyers known. This information thus does not strengthen the projection.

  B. This expectation applies for all manufacturers and does not show that the Write Company's plan will cause increased sales of its pencil leads.

  C. Reducing the cost of manufacturing the leads could lead to greater profits but not to greater sales, since the passage states that the price will remain the same.

  D. A rival manufacture's announcement to follow the same plan does not affect whether the plan will be successful for the Write Company.

  E. Correct. This statement properly identifies a point that supports the plan's success.

  The correct answer is E.
