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  Prep2012-Pack1-CR-016 VCR007831 Easy

  Fashion company executive: The number of competing brands of clothing is increasing much more quickly than is consumer demand for new clothing. As a result, it is becoming ever more for our clothing company to keep consumers focused on our products. To increase our sales, therefore, our company plans to introduce innovative, eye-catching lines of clothing much more frequently.

  To evaluate whether the plan described by the executive would be likely to achieve its goal, it would be most useful to know which of the following?

  A. Whether other, competing clothing companies will more frequently introduce newlines of clothing

  B. To what extent consumers’ attention tends to be focused on innovative, eye-catching products in other industries

  C. Why the number of competing brands of clothing is increasing more quickly than consumer demand for new clothing

  D. How much more likely most consumers are to buy innovative, eye-catching lines of clothing than they are to buy conventional, familiar clothing

  E. Whether the executive's company is currently selling any innovative and eye-catching fines of clothing

  Prep2012-Pack1-CR-017 VCR007918 Easy

  A physically active lifestyle has been shown to help increase longevity. In the Wistar region of Bellaria, the average age at death is considerably higher than in any other part of the country. Wistar is the only mountainous part of

  Bellaria. A mountainous terrain makes even such basic activities as walking relatively strenuous; it essentially imposes a physically active lifestyle on people. Clearly, this circumstance explains the long lives of people in Wistar.

  Which of the following, true, most seriously weakens the argument?

  A. In Bellaria all medical expenses are paid by the government, so that personal income does not affect the quality of health care a person receives.

  B. People living in Wistar do not have a significantly better diet than people living in other parts of Bellaria.

  C. Many people who live in the Wistar region have moved there in middle age or upon retirement.

  D. The many opportunities for hiking, skiing, and other outdoor activities that Wistar’s mountains offer make it a favorite destination for vacationing Bellarians.

  E. Per capita spending on recreational activities is no higher in Wistar than it is in other regions of Bellaria.
