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  Prep2012-Pack1-CR-021 VCR014018 Easy


  What information about the corporation’s employees would most help determine whether gentle reminders in the weekly newsletter would get them to follow the rules better? The corporation's current techniques for promoting the office rules do not work well-— most employees do not read the orientation booklet carefully, and verbal lectures about the rules make the employees resentful and less cooperative. For the reminders in the newsletter to work, they must avoid both of these pitfalls. Therefore, look for an answer option that suggests whether employees will learn about rules from the newsletter and will then follow the rules cooperatively.

  A. Knowing how effective the lectures are does not indicate how effective reminders in the newsletter may be.

  B. The plan involves using the newsletter to remind employees about rules and thus to reduce the frequency of inadvertent rule violations. Even if we know that most employees who inadvertently violate office rules already feel resentful and uncooperative, we cannot conclude that they will not follow the office rules better once they become more aware of what the rules are. Neither can we conclude that they will follow the rules better.

  C. Even if we know that most employees knowingly break one or two rules that they especially dislike, we cannot draw any conclusions about their level of rule-compliance if they become more aware of other rules.

  D. The existing level of rule-awareness among regular readers will not tell us whether the plan will increase that level of awareness, nor whether such an increased level of awareness would promote greater compliance or not.

  E. Correct. This addresses the issue of whether employees will read the newsletters’ reminders carefully, as discussed above. If the answer is no, then the plan is to fail.

  The correct answer is E.

  Prep2012-Pack1-CR-022 VCR008516 Easy


  What could be done to help solve the traffic problem the development would cause? The city wants the development to succeed commercially and thereby increase city tax revenue. But to deal with the major congestion that would result, the city would have to spend so much for new roads or public transportation that the development would no longer be financially worthwhile for the city. To solve this problem, the city needs some way to reduce traffic congestion without spending so much on new roads or public transportation--either by making the new roads and public transportation pay for themselves somehow, or else by finding another, cheaper way to get shoppers to the development while avoiding traffic congestion.

  A. Correct. Tolls on the new roads could both alleviate congestion and pay for the roads, thus solving both of the problems mentioned in the passage.

  B. This does not tell us whether there the suggested residential development would be large enough to make the new commercial development viable. Moreover, there's no reason to think the new waterfront residents would reduce traffic congestion coming from other areas, or provide substantial help with funding new roads or public transportation.

  C. If the city gives tax breaks to the developers, the development will generate even loss tax revenue, so this will not make the development any more financially viable for the city.

  D. Evaluating the benefits will not increase the benefits, and in any case, improved quality of life will not solve the financial problems or the congestion problems resulting from the development.

  E. Commercial development in other neighborhoods could probably cause new congestion in those neighborhoods just as it would along the south waterfront.

  The correct answer is A.

  Prep2012-Pack1-CR-023 VCR00710 Medium

  Argument Evaluation


  In both quality and price, brand-name and nonbrand products have now become similar. Yet brand names offer a bigger marketing advantage than ever.


  How can this paradox be explained? It is given that a brand-name product's only distinction from its rival products is a recognizable name. What must be true to give brand-name products a bigger marketing advantage? Could consumers be relying on their outdated knowledge and believing that brand names continue to guarantee that a product's quality is at least as good as, and possibly higher than, that of the rival products at the same price? If so, they would choose to purchase the brand-name product trusting they would, at a minimum, get comparable quality for the same price.

  A. Correct. This statement correctly identifies the consumer behavior that explains the marketing advantage of brand names.

  B. Consumers would be less to buy brand-name products if they were unsure of their quality, so this statement does not resolve the paradox.

  C. Corporations value brand names, but this statement does not say why, nor does it explain the marketing advantage of brand names.

  D. The relative ease or difficulty of establishing brand names does not explain why they are a marketing advantage.

  E. The shift from one advertising agency to another to counteract falling sales does not account for the general marketing advantage brand names enjoy.

  The correct answer is A.
