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  Part B

  Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear 2 passages in Chinese. After you have each sentence or paragraph, interpret it into English. Start interpreting at the signal…and stop it at the signal…You may take notes while you are listening. Remember you will hear the passages only once. Now, let us begin Part B with the first passage.

  Passage 1

  中国是一个统一的多民族国家,汉族人口占总人口90%以上,包括藏族在内的其他55个民族在习惯上被称为少数民族。// 1965年西藏实行民族区域自治制度以来,西藏人民在中央政府的领导下,以主人翁的姿态积极参与管理国家和地方事务。//

  西藏自治区把实现跨越式发展作为经济和社会发展的目标,把改善基础设施条件,提高人民生活水平作为重点。// 西藏人民积极投身现代化建设,深刻地改变了西藏的贫穷落后面貌,大大提高了自身物质文化生活和政治生活水平。//


  China is a united multi-ethnic country. The Han-Chinese population makes up more than 90 percent of the total population. The other 55 ethnic groups, including the Tibetan people, are customarily called ethnic minorities.//

  Since regional ethnic autonomy was implemented in 1965 in Tibet, the Tibetan people, in the capacity of masters of the nation and under the leadership of the Central Government, have actively participated in administration of the state and local affairs.//

  The Tibet Autonomous Region has set leapfrogging of stages of development as its target of economic and social development and the improvement of the infrastructure and the people’s living standard as the key.//

  The Tibetan people have been actively engaged in the modernization drive. As a result, they have profoundly changed the old situation of poverty and backwardness in Tibet, and greatly enhanced the level of their own material, cultural and political life.

  Passage 2:

  近年来赴印度参观的中国代表团在增加,其中相当多的来自国内软件业,目的是为了赶超印度仅次于美国的世界第二大软件生产国的地位。// 中国在几乎每个发展领域都领先于印度。中国在世界出口中的份额,如纺织品和玩具等,也远远超过印度。//

  然而,在信息技术方面,印度将我们甩在后面。印度的软件出口总计150亿美元。中印两国都在源源不断地培养出成千上万名程序编制人员。// 在软件业,印度的劳动力价格低廉,但中国的人工成本比印度还要低20%左右,这将最终使中国具有竞争优势。//


  In recent years, Chinese delegations sent to visit India are increasing. Among them many are from software parks. They are focused on one goal-to catch up with and surpass India, the world’s second largest producer of software, after the United States.//

  China outstrips India in almost every sphere of development. Its share of world exports, whether textiles or toys, is far bigger.//

  However, in information technology, India is outdoing us. India’s software exports totaled $15 billion. China and India are fighting this war with programmers, whom both churn out in the thousands.//

  In software (industry), Indian labor is cheap, but programming produced by the Chinese costs about 20 percent less than that produced by the Indians, and this will eventually give China a big advantage.
