意合法虽然是汉语的主要特征, 但这并不意味着英语的形合句译成汉语时统统得用意合法。事实上现代汉语也具有形合的特征,所不同的只这一形式特点不及意合法那么显著而已。汉语中有不少表示因果、目的、转折、条件等逻辑连接词或起关连作用的副词,如"由于、因此、以至、与其……不如、既…又…、只要.…就.…、才…"等,它们能使汉语句子成分和句子与句子之间的逻辑关系更加清晰,不易产生歧义。含有这些连接词的句子与一些意合句相比措辞上显得更加正式、语气更加庄严。英译汉时,如果采用意合法来翻译会造成句意费解、逻辑白明,就可采用形合法来翻译。
(1) I can't tell you anything when you won't listen. 既然你不听, 我就什么也不对你说。
(2) She has her weakness, but that doesn't mean she is not qualified for the job. 她有缺点但这并不是说她不能胜任这项工作。
(3) You don't have to worry as long as we are here. 只要我们在你就别担心。
(4) Since I shall be here again tomorrow, I won't wait any longer. 反正我明天还来, 现在就不等了。
(5) Hardly had we started off when it began to rain. 我们刚要出发就下雨了。
(6) Elsie, flushed with pride, happiness, and the sweet champagne and already looking more of a Dulver, was compelled to respond. 埃尔西由于骄傲、喜悦, 又喝了几杯甜香槟酒而脸色通红, 更像达尔佛家的人了。现在她只好站起来致答词。
(7) In the 1950s most Americans believed parents should stay in an unhappy marriage to avoid damaging the children.在50年代, 多数美国人认为, 做父母的即使婚姻不美满, 也要维持下去, 以免伤害孩子。
(1) A clear conscience laughs at false accusations. 只要问心无愧,别人的指责可以一笑置之。
(2) Winter finds out what summer lays by. 到了冬天才知道夏天储存东西的重要。
(3) His youth got him off. 由于他年轻, 他得到了宽恕。
(4) With all his shortcomings, he was a conscientious worker.尽管他有缺点, 但工作却是勤勤恳恳的。
(5) The book sells well. 书卖得好。
(6) The cloth needs cleaning. 衣服要洗了