7. 因对方包装不良而导致破损
On examining your goods, 50 units, half of the consignments, are badly damaged.This is obviously due to your poor packing of the goods because they have been placed without any padding.The surveyor’s report is enclosed in this letter.
8. 通知对方重量不足,希望提供证据
Your goods are short by 15 tons from our order.The difference between the weight received and the figure in your invoice perplexes us as to whom we have to lodge our claim either with the shipping company or the shipper.It will be very helpful for us to push our claim if you can give us some evidence that your figure in the invoice is correct.
9. 要求尽速补足缺少的货物
As you well know, we have been put into a very awkward situation on account of this shortage of supply, and we ask you to dispatch the necessary amount as soon as possible.In the meantime we await your prompt reply.
10. 因品质不良而取消订单,退回订货
The inferior quality of our order has made your goods useless for our purpose and we are compelled to cancel the order immediately.Under the circumstances, the only way we can take will be to return all the goods to you with freight forward.
11. 通知对方若打折扣,就接受货物
We consider you will suffer a heavy loss from cancellation of order, and it will be more favorable to both of us to search for another step.Therefore we will take your goods at some reasonable discount.
12. 说明己方包装无误,请对方向保险公司索赔
We have learned from your letter that one case of our shipment is badly damaged.As the goods were packed with the best care we assume that the case has been roughly handled.Therefore we ask you to lodge your claim with the insurance company.
13. 因数量不一致,补运代替品
On investigating the matter of your claim, we have noticed a discrepancy between our invoice figure and the quantities you specified.On the quantities you required, we will ship the replacements at once.We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience you have been put to.