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蒙克名作《呐喊》天价成交 创拍卖纪录

  Elsewhere in Sotheby’s sale, collectors also chased after a group of works coming from the estateof financier Theodore Forstmann, a pioneer in the leveraged-buyout business. Forstmann was thesenior founding partner of the investment firm Forstmann Little & Co., and chairman and CEO of IMG Worldwide Holdings Inc.

  在苏富比2号晚上的拍卖中,藏家也在追逐已故金融家福斯特曼(Theodore Forstmann)收藏的艺术品。福斯特曼是杠杆收购业务的先驱,也是投资公司Forstmann Little & Co.的高级创始合伙人,还是IMG Worldwide Holdings Inc.的董事长兼首席执行长(CEO)。

  Leading this group of colorful, modern paintings and bronze sculptures was Picasso’s $29.2 million ’Woman Sitting in a Chair’ from 1941, and Chaim Soutine’s $9.3 million ’The Hunter of Maxim’s’ from 1925.

  在这组琳琅满目的现代绘画和铜雕当中,售价最高的是毕加索作于1941年的《坐在扶手椅的妇女》(Woman Sitting in a Chair),成交价2,920万美元,以及苏蒂纳(Chaim Soutine)作于1925年的《猎人》(The Hunterof Maxim’s),成交价930万美元。

  The record-setting Munch was considered a plum as much for its rarity as for its pop-culture ubiquity. One of four versions of ’The Scream’ that Munch created, this version was the only one not in an Oslo museum and the first to ever come up at auction. The image has also been reproduced on everything from ice-cream containers to the villain’s mask in Wes Craven’s ’Scream’ horror films.

  卖出天价的蒙克作品之所以受到追捧,除了非常稀有以外,也由于它在流行文化中无处不在。蒙克一共创作了四个版本的《呐喊》,周三拍卖的是唯一一个没有被某家奥斯陆博物馆收藏的版本,也是有史以来第一个被拍卖的版本。画中的影像还被复制在各种东西上面,如装冰激凌的盒子,又比如克雷文(Wes Craven)《惊声尖叫》(Scream)系列恐怖片中那位反面角色所戴的面具。

  ’The Scream’ carries its own mystique, having come from the collection of Petter Olsen, a Norwegian real-estate developer and shipping heir who grew up with the work in the living room of his childhood home. His father, Thomas Olsen, a neighbor of Munch’s in the small Norwegian town of Hvitsten, bought the work from the German coffee magnate who likely commissioned it. During World War II, Olsen said his family hid the work along with dozens of other Munch artworks in ahay barn to protect them from the Nazis, who were destroying artworks they deemeddegenerate. Olsen has said he offered up ’The Scream’ now in order to fund a museum of Munch’s work in Hvitsten to open next year.

  《呐喊》本身也有其神秘色彩。它是挪威房地产开发商、船业继承人奥尔森(Petter Olsen)的藏品之一。在他成长期间,这幅画一直挂在童年时期居所的起居室内。他的父亲托马斯•奥尔森(Thomas Olsen)是蒙克在挪威小镇维斯滕(Hvitsten)的邻居,他从一位德国咖啡大鳄手中买下了这幅作品,很可能是这位咖啡大鳄委托他画的这幅画。奥尔森说,二战期间,他们家把《呐喊》和蒙克其他数十年作品藏在装干草的仓房内,以防纳粹破坏──当时纳粹正在大肆毁坏他们认为低俗的作品。奥尔森曾表示,现在把《呐喊》拿出来拍卖是为了给维斯滕小镇的一座蒙克作品展馆筹资,这座展馆将于明年开放。
