Let the art market roar. Norwegian painter Edvard Munch became the most expensive artist at auction Wednesday when his 1895 pastel of a terrified man clutching his cheeks along an Oslo fjord, ’The Scream,’ sold for $119.9 million at Sotheby’s--the most ever paid for a work of art at auction.
艺术品市场也疯狂了一次。周三,挪威画家蒙克(Edvard Munch)成了拍卖会上身价最高的艺术家:他在1895年创作的一个版本的《呐喊》(The Scream)在苏富比(Sotheby’s)拍出了1.199亿美元的高价,这是迄今为止单件艺术作品在拍卖会上拍出的最高价格。蒙克的《呐喊》描绘了一个受到惊吓的男子在奥斯陆峡湾旁双手托住脸颊的画面。
The purchase surpasses the $106.5 million spent two years ago for Pablo Picasso’s 1932 portraitof his mistress, ’Nude, Green Leaves and Bust,’ as well as Alberto Giacometti’s earlier record of $104.3 million for his 1960 spindly bronze sculpture, ’Walking Man I.’
Everett Collection图片:蒙克名作《呐喊》的别样化身这一价格超过了毕加索(Pablo Picasso)1932年为他的情妇创作的肖像《裸体、绿叶和半身像》(Nude, Green Leaves and Bust)在两年前拍出的1.065亿美元的高价,也打破了贾科梅蒂(Alberto Giacometti)1960年创作的青铜雕塑《行走的人》(Walking Man I)拍出的1.043亿美元的纪录。
In a dogged contest at the auction house’s New York saleroom, the bidding for Munch’s ’Scream’ began at $40 million and shot up quickly, with five bidders from America and China competing for the sunset-colored portrait. Charlie Moffett, a Sotheby’s specialist who represents American buyers, fielded the anonymous winning bid from a telephone.
在纽约苏富比的拍卖大厅里,围绕《呐喊》的一场紧张的争夺战由此开始:此画从4,000万美元起拍,此后价格迅速蹿升,五位来自美国和中国的竞拍者相互竞争这幅日落颜色的画作,代表美国买家的苏富比专家莫菲特(Charlie Moffett)替一位以匿名方式电话竞拍的买家成功拍得这一画作。
The work had been priced to sell for around $80 million. Sale prices, unlike estimates, include the auction house’s commission, which is 25% on the first $50,000, 20% up to $1 million and 12% above $1 million.