All is not yet lost for the President. The polls tell us that many voters remain undecided- enough to swing the result. But he has played most of the cards left in his hand, and there is an unmistakable sense that power is slipping from him. The era of bling bling may be drawing to a close and the age of Flanby, a kind of blancmange pudding which gives Hollande his nickname, could be just around the corner.
萨科齐并非全无机会。民调显示,许多选民依然拿不定主意,这足以扭转大选结果。但萨科齐已经打出了手里的大部分牌,人们明确无误地感到权力正离他远去。“bling bling总统”(萨科齐的绰号)时代可能即将结束, “Flanby”时代或许不久就会来临。Flanby是法国的一种牛奶冻布丁,人们喜欢将奥朗德称为“Flanby”。