China’s often-stated top goal in its relationship with North Korea is ’stability.’
Andrei Lankov, the North Korea scholar at Seoul’s Kookmin University, told an audience in Seoul just before last week’s rocket launch, ’China will exercise mild pressure on North Korea, making sure the pressure will not become destabilizing.’
韩国国民大学(Kookmin University)的朝鲜问题专家兰科夫(Andrei Lankov)在朝鲜上周发射火箭前夕对首尔的一批听众说,中国将向朝鲜施加温和的压力,它会确保这些压力不会破坏中朝关系的稳定。
A public acknowledgement by Beijing that it provided vehicles or other materials in violation of U.N. sanctions, plus a direct explanation of its treatment of North Korean defectors, would mark a significant change in that ’mild pressure.’