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  With one-third of American children either overweight or obese, schools are searching for ways to help kids eat leaner, healthier meal. The New York City Department of Education has found a simple solution that made a big impact on its students. Between 2005 and 2006, the public schools phased out the use of whole milk, and replaced it with low-fat or skim milk. Even flavored milks such as chocolate were only available in reduced-fat form. Officials were somewhat concerned that students would stop drinking milk altogether, thereby lowering their intake of vital nutrients, such as calcium and vitamin D. But in a new study, researchers from New York city’s health department found that milk drinking was actually up slightly in 2009. And the switch to low-fat and skim choices has saved each milk-drinking student nearly 6000 calories and 600 grams of fat each year.


  超过 1/3的美国儿童肥胖;学校想法改善饮食;简单解决办法是提供低脂和是提供低脂和脱脂奶。研究显示,这样并未影响他们的营养吸收,反而使学生在多喝奶的同时减少了大量的热量摄入。




  Technology transfer is much more complex than just making your technology available to others. China has learnt lessons from the past. Simply being given technology is not good in the long run, as it damages the recipient's own R&D capacity. In negotiating technology transfer deals, the goal should rather be technological co-operation.
