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void main(void)



C/C++ code
//==============================================//// Filename:   C8051f320_SMC1602A_Display.c     ////                                              //// Prozessor:  C8051f320                        //// Compiler:   Keil C51 7.06                    ////                                              //// Author:     Paul.Jia                         //// QQ:         79974439                         //// Copyright:  MKL PSC TSD                      ////==============================================////================================================//1. SYSCLK is unlimited here//2. Display by SMC1602A////Use 3 ports for control//Use 8 ports for data communications//And initialize them right in the Main ////Need ms delay function from the Main//    extern void delay_ms(unsigned short ms);////Need initialize before use the diaplay function//    void LCMInit(void);////Export these 2 function//    void DisplayOneChar(unsigned char X, unsigned char Y, unsigned char DData);//    void DisplayListChar(unsigned char X, unsigned char Y, unsigned char *DData);//================================================//----------------------------// Include Files//----------------------------#include <c8051f320.h>#include <intrins.h>//----------------------------// Global Constants//----------------------------// Define control ports and data ports// P0.5 - digital    push-pull    (1602)RS// P0.6 - digital    push-pull    (1602)RW// P0.7 - digital    push-pull    (1602)E // P1.x - digital    push-pull    (1602)DATA// Have to initalize these ports in the Main//sbit RS1602 = P0 ^ 5;                             // Register select signal portsbit RW1602 = P0 ^ 6;                             // Data read/write portsbit E1602  = P0 ^ 7;                             // Enable signal port#define DATA1602 P1                               // Data port// Define macro definition basic the selected ports//#define W_D_IN   P1MDOUT &= 0x00                  // Change Data port to open-drain#define W_D_OUT  P1MDOUT |= 0xFF                  // Change Data port to push-pull// Define device busy flag//#define Busy     0x80//----------------------------// Function Prototypes//----------------------------// Write data to SMC1602A//void WriteDataLCM(unsigned char WDLCM);// Write command to SMC1602A//void WriteCommandLCM(unsigned char WCLCM, unsigned char BusyC);// Read data from SMC1602A//unsigned char ReadDataLCM(void);// Read command from SMC602A//unsigned char ReadStatusLCM(void);// Initalize SMC1602A//void LCMInit(void);// Display a char at the specified position//void DisplayOneChar(unsigned char X, unsigned char Y, unsigned char DData);// Display a string at the specified position//void DisplayListChar(unsigned char X, unsigned char Y, unsigned char *DData);// Call a extern ms delay function//extern void delay_ms(unsigned short ms);//----------------------------// Subroutines//----------------------------//-----------------Write Data---------------------void WriteDataLCM(unsigned char WDLCM)//------------------------------------------------{    ReadStatusLCM();                              // Detect Busy     W_D_OUT;                                      // Change Data port to push-pull    DATA1602 = WDLCM;                             // Write data    RS1602 = 1;                                   // LCM_RS = 1;    RW1602 = 0;                                   // LCM_RW = 0;    E1602 = 0;                                    // LCM_E = 0; If SYSCLK is high, add a small delay into here    delay_ms(4);    E1602 = 1;                                    // LCM_E = 1;}//----------------Write Command-------------------void WriteCommandLCM(unsigned char WCLCM, unsigned char BusyC)//------------------------------------------------{    if(BusyC)                                     // Decide if detect Busy from parameter    {        ReadStatusLCM();                          // Detect Busy     }    W_D_OUT;                                      // Change Data port to push-pull    DATA1602 = WCLCM;                             // Write command    RS1602 = 0;                                   // LCM_RS = 0;    RW1602 = 0;                                   // LCM_RW = 0;    E1602 = 0;                                    // LCM_E = 0; If SYSCLK is high, add a small delay into here    delay_ms(4);    E1602 = 1;                                    // LCM_E = 1;}/*//------------------Read Data---------------------unsigned char ReadDataLCM(void)//------------------------------------------------{    RS1602 = 1;                                   // LCM_RS = 1;    RW1602 = 1;                                   // LCM_RW = 1;    E1602 = 0;                                    // LCM_E = 0; If SYSCLK is high, add a small delay into here    delay_ms(4);    E1602 = 1;                                    // LCM_E = 1;    W_D_IN;                                       // Change Data port to open-drain    return DATA1602;                              // Return data}*///-----------------Read Command-------------------unsigned char ReadStatusLCM(void)//------------------------------------------------{    W_D_IN;                                       // Change Data port to open-drain    RS1602 = 0;                                   // LCM_RS = 0;    RW1602 = 1;                                   // LCM_RW = 1;    E1602 = 0;                                    // LCM_E = 0; If SYSCLK is high, add a small delay into here    delay_ms(4);    E1602 = 1;                                    // LCM_E = 1;    while(DATA1602 & Busy);                       // Detect Busy     return DATA1602;                              // Return data}//------------------Initalize---------------------void LCMInit(void)//------------------------------------------------{    DATA1602 = 0;      WriteCommandLCM(0x38, 0);                     // Set display mode 3 times, no detect Busy    delay_ms(5);    WriteCommandLCM(0x38, 0);    delay_ms(5);    WriteCommandLCM(0x38, 0);    delay_ms(5);    // Keep above code    WriteCommandLCM(0x38, 1);                     // Set display mode(8 bits, 2 rows, 5x7), begin detect Busy everytime    WriteCommandLCM(0x08, 1);                     // Close display    WriteCommandLCM(0x01, 1);                     // Clear screen    WriteCommandLCM(0x06, 1);                     // Show the position of cursor move    WriteCommandLCM(0x0C, 1);                     // Show boot-strap cursor setting    WriteCommandLCM(0x80, 1);                     // The first position is row 1 line 1}//----------------Display one char----------------void DisplayOneChar(unsigned char X, unsigned char Y, unsigned char DData)//------------------------------------------------{    Y &= 0x1;    X &= 0xF;                                     // Revise X<=15 Y<=1    if(Y)                                         // Add 0x40 to address for display row 2    {        X |= 0x40;    }    X |= 0x80;                                    // Count the address    WriteCommandLCM(X, 0);                        // Send the address to SMC1602A    WriteDataLCM(DData);                          // Write the char to SMC1602A}//----------------Display list char---------------void DisplayListChar(unsigned char X, unsigned char Y, unsigned char *DData)//------------------------------------------------{    unsigned char ListLength = 0;    Y &= 0x1;    X &= 0xF;                                     // Revise X<=15 Y<=1    while(DData[ListLength] >= 0x20)              // If the string end, quit    {        if(X <= 0xF)        {            DisplayOneChar(X, Y, DData[ListLength]); // Display one char            ListLength++;            X++;        }    }} 

WriteCommandLCM(0x38, 0); // Set display mode 3 times, no detect Busy
WriteCommandLCM(0x38, 0);
WriteCommandLCM(0x38, 0);


P0 = Convert(a);
E = 1;
E = 0;
在 WriteChar(5,1,'A');//在第液晶第1行第6个位置会显示一个“A”
之前增加一个 Delay(500);//延时500ms
来判断这个不正常的状况,是否有“WriteChar(5,1,'A'); ”
