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  1 As they move, glaciers push piles of rocks ahead of them.

  A toward

  B above

  C in front of

  D alongside of

  2 Insects thrive all over, from the hottest deserts to the snow-clad peaks of lofty mountains.

  A silently

  B totally

  C everywhere

  D overhead

  3 Male lions remain aloof from the day-to-day activities of their families.

  A upwind of

  B separate from

  C exhausted from

  D bored with

  4 Many photographers prefer to take pictures at twilight when they can take advantage of the special effects of the setting sun.

  A at dusk

  B at noon

  C in the spring

  D in the fall

  5 The poem is attributed to one of Emily Dickinson's.

  A testified as

  B handed out by

  C identified as

  D predicted as

  6 The Coriolis force causes all moving projectiles on Earth to be deflected from a straight line.

  A spring

  B deviate

  C be retracted

  D be conceived

  7 By the time the war broke out, most of the people had already left.

  A began

  B spoiled the country

  C became less widespread

  D intervened

  8 His marked personality changes were brought about by a series of unfortunate events.

  A preceded

  B accompanied

  C caused

  D hastened

  9 Penicillin was discovered by chance in 1928.

  A finally

  B accidentally

  C experimentally

  D opportunely

  10 Bladder wrack, a tough, leathery brown seaweed, clings to rocks tenaciously.

  A grows under

  B hides under

  C sticks to

  D yields to

  11 Sue was distraught waiting for her mother to come to last night.

  A make a social debut

  B regain consciousness

  C come home in spite of difficulty

  D meet her immediately

  12 Psychologists have done extensive studies of how well patients comply withdoctors' orders.

  A obey

  B understand

  C improve with

  D agree with

  13 The Taconic Mountains form part of the dividing line between New York and Massachusetts.

  A geographic dispute

  B boundary

  C scenic attractions

  D territory

  14 My wife wants me to do away with my shoes.

  A dispense with

  B get rid of

  C do without

  D maul

  15 The Pop Art of the 1960's used imagery drawn from the everyday world.

  A understood by

  B approved by

  C censored in

  D taken from



  Ancient Water From Afar

  It streaked across the sky on a warm March evening last year, then crashed into a street in the small town of Monahans, Texas. When seven boys quit their basketball game to inspect the damage, they found a shiny, black grapefruit-size rock settled in the asphalt (沥青). Word of them “flaming rock”traveled quickly in newspapers and on TV. The next day, NASA scientist Everett Gibson arrived and took the meteorite(陨石), later named Monahans 1998, back to a lab in Houston. There researchers broke open the extraterrestrial(地球外的)rock with a hammer and chisel (凿子). To their surprise, they struck water. A team led by Michael Zolensky of the Johnson Space Center reports this discovery in a journal. It's the first time anyone has found liquid water in an object from space-and a suggestion that life may exist outside our planet.

  Meteorites containing water are probably not scarce, Zolensky says. But by the time researchers get their hands on the rocks, minerals that trap the water have dissolved away, and the water have evaporated. Worse, some researchers destroy the evidence by cutting meteorites open with rock saws and water. “I'm betting this isn't such a rare find; it's just that people have been mistreating their meteorites, ”Zolensky says.

  Of course, Zolensky's team did get a bit lucky. Monahans 1998 was safe in their lab less than two days after it hit the Earth, so they examined an unusually fresh sample. The scientists were keen to find vivid purple crystals of halite (岩盐)inside the meteorite, since halite is a salt mineral usually formed from liquid water. Even more curious were the hundreds of tiny bubbles suspended in the halite crystals. Zolensky's team analyzed the bubbles by shining a laser beam through them and confirmed they were made of salty brine (盐水).

  By dating the halite, Zolensky's team found the water trapped inside it formed at least 4.5 billion years ago, back when most scientists believe our solar system was born. That means the briny object any help researchers learn about the gaseous nebulas(星云)that gave rise to our sun and planets.

  But how did the meteorite get wet? One possibility is that a passing comet smashed into the rock, dropping off a load of liquid water. Or the rock might have chipped off an asteroid (小行星)that holds pools of fluid. Zolensky's team still needs to study whether the water comes from our own solar system. One thing is certain, however: the Monahans meteorite will fuel the debate on extraterrestrial life, "Water is a life-giver, so if you want to study where life came from in the solar system, you have to follow where water came from,"Zolensky says. A wet rock from space doesn't mean little green men are coming soon to a planet near you, but it does raise hopes that we're not alone in the universe.

  16 Scientist find liquid water inside the rock.

  A Right

  B Wrong

  C Not mentioned

  17 The meteorite was broken open in California.

  A Right

  B Wrong

  C Not mentioned

  18 The Johnson Space Center reported the discovery in the journal Newsweek.

  A Right

  B Wrong

  C Not mentioned

  19 Monahans 1998 was formed when the solar system came into being.

  A Right

  B Wrong

  C Not mentioned

  20 Monahans 1998 means that little green men are coming soon to a planet near us.

  A Right

  B Wrong

  C Not mentioned

  21 The rock clipped off an asteroid that held pools of water.

  A Right

  B Wrong

  C Not mentioned

  22 A passing comet smashed into the rock and dropped off a load of liquid.

  A Right

  B Wrong

  C Not mentioned
