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  Taking a Nap During the Day

  Medical experts say most Americans do not get 1 sleep. They say more Americans need to rest for a short period in the middle of the day. They are advising people to sleep lightly before  2  with other activities.

  One study earlier this year found that persons who sleep for a few minutes during the day were less 3 to die of disease. The study followed more than 2,300 Greek adults 4 about six years. Adult who rested for half an hour 5  three times a week had a 37 percent lower risk of dying from heart disease than those who did not nap.

  Study organizers said the strongest evidence was in working men. They said naps might improve 6 by mitigating tension caused by work.

  Some European and Latin American businesses have supported the  7 of napping for many years. They urge people to 8 work, go home and have a nap before returning. In the United States, some companies let workers rest briefly in their offices. They believe this reduces in their offices. They believe this reduces 9 and accidents, and 10 increases the amount of work a person can do.

  Sleep experts say it is likely that people make more mistakes at work than at other times1. They say people should not carry out important duties when they feel 11 . And they say the best thing to do is to take a nap. About twenty minutes of rest is  12  you need. Experts say this provides extra energy and can increase your effectiveness  13 the end of the day. But experts warn that a nap 14 last no more than twenty to thirty minutes. A longer nap will put the body into deep sleep2 and waking up3 will be 15


  Nap n. 打盹 mitigate v.减价

  urge v.催促,劝告


  1.people make more mistakes at work than at other times:人们在工作(时间)中出错的概率比其它的时间要多。本句中的at work可以理解为during their work time。

  2.put…into deep sleep:使……进人深睡状态

  3.waking up:从上下文判断,waking up是“自己醒过来”的意思,不是“唤醒”。


  1. A sweet B sound C bad D enough

  2. A checking B sharing C continuing D meeting

  3. A lovely B likely C fondly D finely

  4. A for B at C in D with

  5. A at least B at most C at last D at first

  6. A ability B health C thinking D life

  7. A experiment B reform C idea D way

  8. A repeat B improve C change D leave

  9. A work B mistakes C energy D time

  10. A never B seldom C too D also

  11. A ready B good C sleepy D awake

  12. A all B few C any D nothing

  13. A unless B while C until D during

  14. A would B may C might D should

  15. A helpful B difficult C easy D happy
