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  Part A

  Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear 2 passages in English. After you have heard each sentence or paragraph, interpret it into Chinese. Start interpreting at the signal…and stop it at the signal…You may take notes while you are listening. Remember you will hear the passages only once. Now let us begin Part A with the first passage.

  Passage 1:

  We know that if children took the wrong course at the age of 14, then their lives could be ruined. So why do we put such pressure on our young people at a time when their brain is least receptive?//

  If the pressures on our young people were removed, secondary education could become a different process altogether. From about 13 onwards children could be free to study if they choose.//

  Children complain that their classes are boring, their textbooks are boring, and their teachers are boring. However, the voice of our children is rarely heard.//

  If our children were under a less compulsory system, they would actually learn more and be more cooperative with adults and authority in general. They would be happier and more creative, and therefore more useful to the society.





  如果我们的孩子们在一个强制程度较低的制度下,他们实际学到的东西会更多,他们通常能更好地同成人和领导合作。他们会更加幸福,更富有创造力, 对社会的作用也更大。

  Passage 2:

  You admire me, in fact, I admire you more. If I would have my next life, I should be born in Shanghai and to be a single child. Because I was not particularly happy when I was one of the nine children in a big family.//

  Life was not easy at that time as my father was laid off after a traffic accident and my mother could only worked on and off to take care of such a big family.//

  As time passed by, one day I suddenly realized that anyone could be unhappy; it took no courage and effort. True achievement lay in struggling to be happy.//

  We all assume that happiness is a feeling that comes as a result of good things, things over which we have little control. But the opposite is true: happiness is largely under our control. It is a battle to be fought and not a feeling to be awaited.


  你们羡慕实际上我更羡慕你 。如果我有来生,我要生在上海,成为家里的独生子女,因为作为大家庭中9个孩儿中的一员时,我并不怎么快乐。



  我们都以为,快乐是一种感觉,是我们碰到好事的结果,我们难以控制这些东西的。然而,事实恰好相反: 在很大程度上我们可以控制快乐。这是一场需要奋争的战斗,而不是一种坐等而来在感觉。
