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上海市英语中级口译资格证书第二阶段考试(Paper 30)

  Part B

  Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear 2 passages in Chinese. After you have each sentence or paragraph, interpret it into English. Start interpreting at the signal…and stop it at the signal…You may take notes while you are listening. Remember you will hear the passages only once. Now, let us begin Part B with the first passage.

  Passage 1


  虽然两国政府在某些问题上存在着分歧,但是两国政府能充分考虑到两国人民的利益,并作出了求同存异的明智决定。\\ 这种决定有助于促进两国经济贸易的发展,有助于加强双方进一步的对话和交流,并为两国人民创造更多的就业机会。


  Ladies and gentlemen, good afternoon, please allow me, on behalf of Mr. Mayor, to extend our warm welcome to the Trade Delegation from America headed by Mr. Smith.//

  China and the United States are two big countries. The two peoples have carried out (enjoyed) friendly exchanges ever since the establishment of diplomatic relations in 1972. the bilateral trade has increased greatly.//

  Although there are some differences between the two governments on certain issues, they still take the interests of the two peoples into full consideration and make wise decisions to seek common grounds while putting aside the differences.//

  Such decisions are helpful to the development of economy and foreign trade of both sides as well as to further dialogues and exchanges between the two sides. Moreover, they provide more job opportunities for the people of our two countries.

  Passage 2:




  The Great Wall claims to be the only man-made structure on the earth which is visible from the moon. The winding Great Wall can be viewed from the Badaling district, about 75 kilometers to the northwest of Beijing.//

  It was built during the Warring States period to prevent invasions of nomadic people from the north. The first Qin emperor, who united China into one country, mobilized hundreds of thousands of builders to complete what is known today as the Great Wall of China.//

  The world-famous Great Wall is 6,700 kilometers long from Shanhaikuan, which overlooks the Gulf of Bo Hai, to Jiayuguan Pass in Gansu province. The wall underwent repeated reconstruction during its 2000-year history, witnessing the historical changes of the Chinese nation.//

  The Great Wall is magnificent. It is really great that the ancient Chinese constructed such a gigantic structure without any machinery available.
