All the wisdom of all ages, all the stories that have be lighted mankind for century are easily and cheaply available of us within the covers of books. But we must know how to avail of this treasure and how get the most from it.
Reading can only be fun if you expected to be.
If you become, as a result of reading, better wisdom, , or more gentle. You must have suffered during the process.
The roadway is about 12 feet wide, but is narrowed every few yards by little stores , where goods of very conceivable kind are sold.
The din of store-holder crying their warns, of donkeys and porters clearing away from themselves by shouting vigorously and would-be purchasers arguing and bargaining is continuous makes you dizzy.
With the continuous supply of production material and goods for everyday consumption from mainland areas and the backing of the huge domestic market, Macao can improve development with economy and trading relationship,and creat more changing for local economy development.