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  New IMF funds may be welcome but their point is far from clear

  It was during the South Sea bubble that someone set up “a company for carrying out an undertaking of great advantage, but nobody to know what it is”. That stock promoter in 1720 raised £2,000 and then did a runner to France.

  南海泡沫事件(South Sea bubble)期间,有人设立了“一家从事一项有巨大收益的事业,但谁都不知道这项业务是什么的公司”。然而这个推销股票的人在1720年筹集了2000英镑之后,却携款潜逃法国。

  Christine Lagarde is not going to make off with the $430bn-plus in new resources that she has just collected for the International Monetary Fund, and agreement was general about the “great advantage” to raising them. It was less obvious, however, for exactly what undertaking those funds are destined.

  克里斯蒂娜•拉加德(Christine Lagarde)倒不会带着她刚刚为国际货币基金组织(IMF)筹集的4300多亿美元新资金潜逃,而且筹资的“巨大收益”得到了广泛的认可。然而没那么明显的是,这些资金具体将用于什么事业。

  The extra IMF resources brought a pleasing sense of activity to the spring meetings of the World Bank and Fund. Tricky talks were orchestrated over the course of a month; power plays attempted; and finally everyone gathered in a room where deals were done. The end result was a large number and clear international action to set against the new round of market jitters in Spain.

  IMF增资为世界银行(World Bank)和IMF的春季会议带来了一些可喜的行动感。一个月的时间里,各方举行了艰难的会谈、尝试过高压攻势,最终所有人都聚在同一个房间里,达成了共识。最后的成果是数目巨大的增资,以及明确的国际行动,以防止市场对西班牙产生新一轮的恐慌。

  Listening only to the official rhetoric, however, it would be hard to work out why the $430bn was needed. The official line is that extra IMF money has nothing to do with Europe. “Those bilateral loans which are to be drafted and signed from now on do not form a special pot of funds or coffers that would have an EU label on it,” said Ms Lagarde. “It is for all members of the IMF.”

