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  9. The Vikings began to attack various parts of England from the end of the ____century.

  A. 7th

  B. 8th

  C. 9th


  10. Who were the ancestors of the English and the founders of England?

  A. The Anglo-Saxons.

  B. The Normans.

  C. The Vikings.

  D. The Romans11. Which of the following statements is NOT true?

  A. Alfred the Great started the English navy.

  B. Alfred the Great reorganized the Saxon any, making it more efficient.

  C. Alfred the Great established schools and formulated a legal System.

  D. Alfred the Great impose a tax, called the Danegeld, on the Saxons.

  12. Which of the following statements is NOT true?

  A. Canute was chosen by the Witan as king of England.

  B. Canute was a warrior king and fought many battles against the Normans.

  C. Canute divided power between Danes and Saxons.

  D. Canute forced Malcolm II, king of the Scots, to recognize him as overlord.

  13. Which of the following is NOT true?

  A. Edward the Confessor was more French than English.

  B. Edward the Confessor filled his court with 'foreign' favorites.

  C. Edward the Confessor was on very good terms with his father-in-law,Earl Godwin.

  D. Edward the Confessor appointed a Norman priest Archbishop of Canterbury.

  14. When Edward the Confessor died, ____was chosen by the Witan as king Of England.

  A. the king of Norway

  B. Harold Godwinson, Earl of Wessex

  C. Edgar, Edward's nephew

  D. Tostig, the deposed Earl of Northumbria

  15. Tostig, Harold's brother, joined____, and made an attempt to recover his lost earldom of Northumbria.

  A. Harold Hardrada, King of Norway

  B. Edgar, Edward's nephew

  C. Malcolm II, King of the Scots

  D. Hardicanute

  16. William, Duke of Normandy, fought King Harold of England at the Battle of Hastings in____.

  A. 1086

  B. 1066

  C. 1035

  D. 1381

  17. William won the Battle of Hastings. Later, on____, he was crowned king of England.

  A. Easter Day

  B. St. Andrew's Day

  C. Christmas Day

  D. Boxing Day

  18. William, Duke of Normandy, is now known as____.

  A. William the Confessor

  B. William Lion-Heart

  C. the father of the British navy  D. William the Conqueror

  19. Most of the land belonging to the Saxons was confiscated by William and given to____.

  A. the Norman barons

  B. the Danes

  C. the Irish

  D. the Scots

  20. The Norman Conquest is perhaps ____event in English history.

  A. a trifling

  B. the best-known

  C. a horrifying

  D. a sensational


  1. B   2. C   3. D   4. A   5. B   6. C   7. B   8. C  9. B 10. A 11. D   12. B  13. C   14. B   15. A   16. B  17. C  18. D 19. A  20. B
