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将两个短句的共同主语作为合并后的simple sentence(简单句)的主语,并将其中包含主要信息的短句的谓语动词确立为simple sentence(简单句)的谓语动词,另一短句转化为修饰成分。

  第二大题 改写病句(本大题共5小题,每小题3分,共15分)

  Correct the errors in the following sentences

  一, 考核知识点:考查对连接词(joining word)使用错误的识别与修正。


  11. Your sales are up, therefore, your bonus is forthcoming.


  11. Your sales are up; therefore, your bonus is forthcoming.


  (1) 连接词(joining word)可分为连词(如:and, but, for, so, because, although, since等)和连接性副词(如:therefore, consequently, accordingly, moreover, furthermore, otherwise, likewise, however, nevertheless等)。连词和连接性副词在用法上有很多相似之处,但也有不同点。

  (2) 连词和连接性副词在连接两个分句时,前后使用的标点符号不同:连词之前常用逗号(,),之后通常不用标点;而连接性副词之前要求用分号(;)或句号(。),之后常用逗号(,)。

  (3) 该句最简便的修正方法是将连接性副词therefore前的逗号(,)改为分号(;)。另外也可改为:Your sales are up. Therefore, your bonus is forthcoming. “评分标准”中规定:“与标准答案不一致,但句子结构正确,表意准确,也得满分。否则,酌情给分或不得分。”


  (错误)If your sales are up, your bonus will be forthcoming


  (错误)Your bonus is forthcoming, therefore, your sales are up.


  二, 考核知识点:考查对破句(fragmentary sentence)的识别和修正。


  12. People worked together on the assembly line. Moving quickly and efficiently. They wanted to make as much money as possible.


  12. People worked together on the assembly line, moving quickly and efficiently. They wanted to make s much money as possible.


  (1) 了解破句(fragmentary sentence)的特点:把句子的一部分当成了一个句子。英语中一个完整的句子必须包含“主语+谓语”结构,否则就是破句(fragmentary sentence)。

  (2) 找出病句中结构不完整的句子(即不包含主谓结构的句子):Moving quickly and efficiently.

  (3) 由于用分词结构而引起的破句的修改方法为:将分词结构还原为谓语形式使其独立成句,或者将分词结构与其前面或后面的句子融合在一起。本句最简便的修正方法是将moving前的句号(。)变成逗号(,),使moving quickly and efficiently融入前面的句子,成为表示伴随状况的分词短语。


  (错误)People worked together on the assembly line, moving quickly and efficiently., they wanted to make s much money as possible.

  (分析)这是一个串句(run-on sentence),误将两个独立分句合写在一个句子里面而没有适当地分离标识。

  (错误)People worked together on the assembly line moving quickly and efficiently. They wanted to make s much money as possible.

  (分析)moving的逻辑主语是people,不是assembly line,因此moving前必须有逗号(,),否则分词短语moving quickly and efficiently就变成了修饰名词assembly line的定语,而不再是谓语动词worked的伴随状况。

  三, 考核知识点:考查对垂悬修饰语(dangling modifier)的识别和修正。


  13. Watching the parade, my wallet was stolen.


  13. While watching the parade, I had my wallet stolen. / While I was watching the parade, my wallet was stolen.


  (1) 了解垂悬修饰语(dangling modifier)的特点:修饰语在句中找不到逻辑上被修饰的对象。分词结构、不定式结构和介词短语做修饰语修饰句子时,易发生垂悬修饰现象。

  (2) 修正时,可调整句子的主语,使之与上述结构或短语的逻辑主语一致;也可将分词结构、不定式结构或介词短语带上自己的逻辑主语,将其扩展成从句。

  (3) 原句中做修饰语的分词结构watching the parade的逻辑主语与句子主语my wallet不一致,所以可将句子主语调整为I,或将句子主语保持不变,使watching the parade带上自己的逻辑主语I.


  (错误)While watching the parade, my wallet was stolen.

  (分析)分词结构watching the parade前加上连词while或when,不能改变其垂悬修饰语(dangling modifier)的性质,因为其逻辑主语I未变,而与从句的主语my wallet仍然不一致。

  (错误)Watching the parade, I lost my wallet.

  (分析)修正病句不应该改变原句的意思。钱包丢失的原因可能是被盗,但也可能是别的原因,例如由于粗心遗忘在某地等。另外,从这一修改中,可看出相当一部分考生对have sth. done结构不太熟悉。

  四, 考核知识点:考查对错误平行结构(faulty parallelism)的识别和修正。


  14. If a publisher rejects a novel, it is either because the story is unsaleable or the author is unknown.

  15. Our new car not only is more user-friendly, but also it is more comfortable than our old one.


  14. If a publisher rejects a novel, it is either because the story is unsaleable or because the author is unknown.

  15. Our new car is not only more user-friendly but also more comfortable than our old one.


  (1) 了解错误平行结构(faulty parallelism)产生的原因:平行结构(parallelism)是把两个或两个以上意思并列的成分用同等语法形式表达,如果意思上并列的成分用不同等的语法形式来表达,就破坏了其平行结构。

  (2) either…or, neither…nor, not only…but also, both…and等关联并列连接词(correlative conjunction)用于连接意思并列的成分,所以每个连词后所跟的成分必须有相同的语法形式。

  (3) 14题原句中连词either后是because引导的原因状语从句,or后也应补上because.

  15题病句最简便的修正方法,是将两个形容词比较级作为平行成分,用not only…but also连接。


  (错误)If a publisher rejects a novel, either the story is unsaleable or the author is unknown.


  (错误)Not only our new car is more user-friendly but also it is more comfortable than our old one.

  (分析)not only…but also可以连接两个平行结构的句子,但not only后的句子必须倒装,如:Not only is our new car more user-friendly, but also it is more comfortable than our old one.

  另外,not only…but also连接两个主语、谓语相同的句子时显得啰嗦和没有必要,故常用来连接两个主语、谓语不同的句子,如:Not only is he himself interested in the subject, but also all his students have begun to show an interest in it. 前两讲,我们讨论了“句子的组成”部分考核知识点与解题思路,下面我们将研究“段落的写作”方面的内容。
